mainewebdad:The amount I've heard batted around for a complete refit, in her current state, is $4-million-dollars. -- Mark
Hi Mark. I was wondering where you got this figure - you seem to have some sources of information on this that I don't have and I'd love to be more up to date. Info on this situation is hard to come by.
Two posts up I quoted the Cousteau Society website as saying "... it is only right that, in her retirement, she should tell the story of her magnificent history, inseparable from that of Captain Cousteau. The sister cities of New Rochelle, in the US, and La Rochelle, in France, will share exhibitions based on Calypso's extraordinary adventures. " The phone rang and I copied this quickly without reading it. This is a revision. Until recently the site said the Calypso was being restored and would be on exhibit in New Rochelle in NY. So they seem to be coming around a little to a statement that, albeit ambiguously, reflects reality a little better.
What if they just recover the bridge and deck for an exhibit? Not as romantic, but a mock diving saucer could still hang from the crane, we could still stand in the wheel house and climb the observation ridge, etc.
And I'll add a welcome to the forum to mainewebdad. I just started myself and you'll find this is a really great group, from BC's to politics.