The ship is an icon in the history of diving and it is a shame to see it rotting away, but when I ask myself honestly if I would donate money to preserve it the answer is no.
I would however pay money to see it in a museum and am sure others would as well so maybe there is hope if the legal stuff gets settled.
When I was a kid I watched every Jacques Cousteau and National geographic special that had anything to do with the ocean or diving and it was one of many reasons I started diving.
I know there is controversy about Cousteau as well as admiration, however his impact on the world and the ocean was IMHO a positive thing.
I would however pay money to see it in a museum and am sure others would as well so maybe there is hope if the legal stuff gets settled.
When I was a kid I watched every Jacques Cousteau and National geographic special that had anything to do with the ocean or diving and it was one of many reasons I started diving.
I know there is controversy about Cousteau as well as admiration, however his impact on the world and the ocean was IMHO a positive thing.