Any reason to subscribe DAN and DiveAssure or Aquamed ?
Aquamed is PRIMARY insurance ?
I just made a quote annual cover + at least 120 days of travel
DAN Sport Gold: 210 €
- DiveAssure DiveSafe: 69 € /
Dive&Travel: 169 € / 239 €
Aquamed Dive&Travel : 78 €
- DAN Sport Gold + DiveAssure Dive&Travel = 379 / 12 = 32 € monthly
- DAN Sport Gold + Aquamed Dive&Travel = 288 / 12 = 24 € monthly
In term of annual insurrance cost this is nearly nothing. This is not even the cost of a rec dive...
When I was student and started to dive 5 years ago my instructor suggested me to think about saving money into a blocked bank account in case of emergency or any other specific need. I think now it's a great advice- was maybe stupid at that time cause I was young and told myself why the hell would I save up around 200 € monthly for something I must only use for emergency ... but I'm happy that he suggested me that.