After 60 years of diving,
was I supposed to add it up
and convert to 2020 Dollars?
I used to ski 50-90 days a year, I did the “Endless Winter” circuit. (not on my dime, but...) Europe, North America, Asia, then in May- to Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Hawaii....
Comparatively, SCUBA is cheap.
Old age, infirmity (re-read above paragraph) and familiarity drives me to our group “hangout”, that would be
CocoView in Roatan Honduras.
It costs me $82 per dive.
For a week. Airfare, food, start to finish, door to door. It costs my wife $104 per dive, she skips dives, sunbathes and sleeps in hammocks...I do not.
In my lifetime (not including my wife, nor previous “wife material test subjects“), I have written checks to CocoView well in excess of $92,000. If you add in my wife, put in for another $60,000. The dollar cost of bringing various prior girlfriends (including two red heads) was far exceeded by the mental cost, may I leave that to your imagination?
And that is just CocoView.
Add in a lifetime of 50+ week$ on liveaboard$, airfare to every dot in the Ocean and the dive re$ort, 20 BCDs, 25 Reg $et$, a dozen wetsuits, getting to Truk in 1978, renting mules to get to Chitzen Itza, Re-fkkn-breathers, yearly $ervice costs on Ball or Rolex watches, 10+ computers, cameras (starting with home built housings, Nikonos, and 16mm movie cameras), bribing TACA gate agents, countless lost dive knives, flippers, and also a half dozen Force fins, SPF297 sun block, 40+ masks including HydrOptix (minus that FREE case of 10 Mares ESAs they sent me just cuz), The equivalent of an 80 gallon drum of SeaDrops defogifier, PADI OWSI, and le$$er certs from 5 different Agencies....
we have been there, dove that, bought the t-shirt.
I’m guessing now...4900 dives?
Maybe skiing was cheaper. [
but, when diving, you don’t have to eat breakfast in ski boots]