Cost of reg service double, is this normal

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I am a regular at my LDS, I have bought by diving lessons and ALL Gear except for a vyper dive computer that they don't sell and 2 pst E8's that they also could not get. They give me 10% off everything I buy.

To rebuild the used jetstream I bought from them its $80 but the the Xstream I bought from New Jersey its going to be $160.. This really pissed me off and I might just buy a darn compressor so I can fill my own tanks, send my regs off for service and say the heck with them all. Up north in Mich is small towns and we have 2 dive shops here and they communicate very well.

I have written scuba toys to ask their price. I will also call the one in Grand Rapids 2hrs away too.

I really want to hear what Poseidon has to say. Maybe they will give them a call and pull their product or straighten them up.
If you don't want to pay "double" than don't get it serviced from them. The dive shop is not forcing you to or anything....... I don't really see why Poseidon would "give them a call and pull their product or straighten them up." When it comes down to it it's not the DUTY of the dive shop and the dealer to make you happy. They provide a product/service and it's up to you to decide if you want to pay to receive their product/service.
I'd find a poseidon tech whose work you trust and send it to him. Ultimately, it's more important to find someone who will do quality work on the reg than the price you pay, within reason of course. There might be one on this board...and as I've read that service on poseidon is somewhat specialized, you want to make sure you've got the right person working on it.

Too bad about the LDS; I gave up on mine and now send stuff to a tech whose work I really trust. I have to pay for shipping, but it's well worth it to know my reg is going to be there for you.
Help them to close the shop and out of business. Don't go there. There are getting a lot of shops to do the annaul service by mail.

I am a regular at my LDS, I have bought by diving lessons and ALL Gear except for a vyper dive computer that they don't sell and 2 pst E8's that they also could not get. They give me 10% off everything I buy.

To rebuild the used jetstream I bought from them its $80 but the the Xstream I bought from New Jersey its going to be $160.. This really pissed me off and I might just buy a darn compressor so I can fill my own tanks, send my regs off for service and say the heck with them all. Up north in Mich is small towns and we have 2 dive shops here and they communicate very well.

I have written scuba toys to ask their price. I will also call the one in Grand Rapids 2hrs away too.

I really want to hear what Poseidon has to say. Maybe they will give them a call and pull their product or straighten them up.
I don't really see why Poseidon would "give them a call and pull their product or straighten them up.

First all of the stand up regulator companies have requirements of the dealers that sell their products. If a dealer is doing something that makes a bad impression on the company where someone may not want to buy their product anymore they may make them change their ways. Think about it.. If you letting someone sell your product and what they do makes other potential buyer say screw that company I will buy another brand what would you? Just let them rip people off? I don't think you would and that is my hope by writing Poseidon. Plus the dive shop told me that if the regulator companies find out someone is doing something they shouldn't they don't like it and let it be known. So im letting Poseidon know what this dealer is doing to all potential buyer of their regulators.

Screw the dive shop. Why not learn to service it yourself?

This is something I am seriously considering learning. Where do you learn this and also what tools and equipment you need to do it right? If anyone knows please tell me.

For me, its not so much about the money as it is about principle and fairness. I should be able to buy a regulator anywhere in the world and be able to take it to any dive shop that services that brand anywhere in the world and the price should be the same no matter to each person. Just like buying a car. A dealer doesn't charge you more because you bought your car in another state.

There are only 2 dive shops in our town. This one sells Poseidons and is 4 minutes from my home. It don't get any more convient than that. If I can make them treat everyone fair then I will do so.. If I can't well I will have no choice but to send my regs out to be serviced and start buying everything on line.

The other dive shop here are also jerks. They all bad mouth the other shops and the people in them along with the products they sell. When I first got certified and rented gear from the other shop they did not give us a bucket that they give everyone else to put the rented gear in after you washed it. They said give it to the dive master when your done and they will return it. This was on one of the local weekly dive events. So at the end of the dive I asked the dive master where he wanted me to put the gear. He says on the ground behind his truck. I said the parking lots is sand and gravel, do you want me to put it in the truck.. He said no, as there are others with rented gear and he will take care of it. Well needless to say my gear when it was returned was full of sand. The dive shop I rented it from called the other dive shop I got my lessons from and told them I don't take care of rented gear and to watch out for me.

Can you believe that one!!! I found out and went there and gave them hell.. I did what I was told and they didn't give me a bucket which they give eveyone else. So they forgot to do there part. I told them if they had a problem they should have called me and asked me about it, not go calling the other dive shop to put me on a black list!!

I am mad and im also not one of those people that just walk away and let people take advantage of me. I will look at all resources available to me and contact any companies or legal agencies to see that everyone is treated fairly and not discriminated against. If I had know that this was the policy of the dive shops up here I would have taken my lessons downstate and bought all of my gear off the web.
So.... why did you buy the thing from Jersey when you live 2 minutes from a Poseidon dealer? Servicing is/should be a primary consideration when purchasing a reg, especially a Poseidon.

The fact is that most dive shops are run by divers who have virtually no business experience whatsoever. They just don't know how to make money so they do stupid things like punish the customer who bought something elsewhere.

Good luck getting trained on servicing regulators without working at a Poseidon dealer. Apeks regs are one thing since they're so brain dead simple.. Poseidons, I hear, are wicked complex and take a skilled, trained technician to get them anywhere near right.

Your options in this case are few. It's probably in your best interest to bite the bullet and pay whatever they want. Or you can of course find somewhere to mail your regs.

How much do they want to service them?

The reason I bought them is because the Jersey dive shop was going out of business and let the Poseidon Deep go for $400, In the dive shops they are $900. I think thats a great reason, don't you?

I agree that servicing is primary concern 100% but who would think that you would be charged double because you bought it from another Poseidon Dealer. The dive shop owners are like little kids! From my local dive shop I have bought $500 wet suit, $700 Jetstream Regulators, $100 mask, $50 snorkle, $50 hood, $45 gloves,$50 boots, $180 fins, $600 BCD, regulator bags, gear bags and all the other misc items we use diving. Then this is how they treat me?? Im sure you agree this is BS

I hope you don't feel im attacking you, just really pissed about this. As for servicing regs, I don't think I will be able to either but if I can learn it right I will surely think about it.
I agree that servicing is primary concern 100% but who would think that you would be charged double because you bought it from another Poseidon Dealer. The dive shop owners are like little kids! From my local dive shop I have bought $500 wet suit, $700 Jetstream Regulators, $100 mask, $50 snorkle, $50 hood, $45 gloves,$50 boots, $180 fins, $600 BCD, regulator bags, gear bags and all the other misc items we use diving. Then this is how they treat me?? Im sure you agree this is BS

I hope you don't feel im attacking you, just really pissed about this. As for servicing regs, I don't think I will be able to either but if I can learn it right I will surely think about it.
I know you're not attacking me, I understand 100%. Many dive shops do act like little kids because they simply don't have the understanding or knowledge to realize how it affects their business.

It does suck, but it's the kind of behavior I expect from dive shops.

If you can get training for the Poseidon regs, that would be awesome, but that's probably a long shot unfortunately.
Since the dive shop did not carry my E8's and they were bought from Scubatoys they are going to charge me double for inspections and hydro's. They said all mail order equip will be charged double.

So where can I get visuals and hydro's done other than the dive shops?? Im sure they send them somewhere for the hydro's Any suggestions?

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