Youre right, diving isnt cheap. But, I really dont like being told to find another hobby/sport to take part in than the one i love, which is SCUBA. Can I afford it? Probably not to the extent that some on this board can (with a garage full of gear), but I do know a few friends of mine that are in the same position as me and work hard to find deals, take care of what we have, and still dive safely in places that will allow us to grow as divers. All I am saying is that perhaps the burden should not be so high for some things, while for others it should. For instance, my assertion that fundies could be cheaper while tech training could be the same or slightly higher.
Further, i dont accept the idea that to learn to be a good, safe diver should be onerously expensive. GUE keeps A LOT of divers from going to it, because it is expensive. These are potentially amazing and safe divers, that given the correct initial exposure would probably continue high into the GUE training scheme. But, because they never get a real taste of what a GUE course is like, because of the high barrier to entry (price tag shock) will never know, notice, or experience the difference great instruction can make and just settle with crap.
I DO NOT believe this should be a sport of the rich, and the awesome sights underwater should be available to EVERYONE. Perhaps that is naive, but forgive me, I am still young and hold on to young ideals.
However, like i commented before, I have paid higher prices for quality instruction, and I will continue to do so, because I think it is a worthwhile use of my limited resources.