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Granted, they are replaced with images of your Grandmother and Grandfather in the shower.... together...

I wish the weather holds for spearfishing this weekend... :/
granted, but the fish are armed with their own spear guns

I wish the fish didn't use bang tips on their spears.
granted the fish replace the spearguns with tazzers
and while RuhRoh is doing his impersonation of a "fish" they replace his de-fog with pepper spray....

I wish RuhRoh wouldn't squirm around like that and cry...(it scaress the fish away)
granted, ruhroh just lays there and sweats instead

I wish there was the prefect un-corruptable wish
Granted. You now have a perfect un-corruptable wish.

Too bad you cant use it... your dead.

I wish I had the best job in the world.
granted, according to Forbes magazine the guy that follows the elephants around scooping up after them is the best job in the world

I wish robnyc had a bigger scoop for the elephant poo
Granted but instead of a larger shovel the elephants are minature elephants.

I wish robnyc would'nt step on the cute minature elephants.
granted, instead he sits on them....and nothing angers an miniature elephant like sitting on it

I wish the angry miniature elephants didn't chase rob around like that
granted, but they stone heli for wearing a People Eating Tasty Animals tshirt at their PETA rallys

I wish Heli would leave me the $20 and his People Eating Tasty Animals tshirt in his will

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