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Granted, they get into Scuba equipment.

I wish ohmdiver was paid up when he got is tank filled at the mafia scuba shop.
Granted, but the mafia secretary lil_sis lost the paperwork so ohmdiver's tank is filled with helium.

I wish ohmdiver wouldn't bob at the surface like a bouy.
Granted, he dumped his weights and is now starting to rise into the air.

I wish that helicopter would slow down!
Granted, but the blades slow down too and too much.

I wish I had read all 231 pages of this thread.
Granted however it takes you an hour to read each page...

I wish I had a dive gear sponser so i didn't have to buy it myself.
granted, your new sponsor is the Sanford & Son Junk Shop.

I wish dive-class 101's gear wasn't so rusty and outdated.
granted, you are HI'ed on helium and your voice is permentally squeaky

I wish ohm didn't sound like a pre-adolesent boy
granted but now he sounds like scooby doo....

I wish I had more friends... lol

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