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My wish.
I wish i could breathe underwater
My wish.
I wish i could breathe underwater
You can, but only if your miles underwater, enjoy the sulphuric vents while your down there!

I wish Seahorses were big enough to ride! (AND that any eco-guilt tripper reading this about to dis my aquatic-equestrian ambitions would get tongue warts. Large hairy ones.
You have a boat, but it’s wooden and part of the hull has rot in it. On your first trip out in it the boat splits in two and the boat sinks. Luckily for you, your scuba gear is ready to go and you manage to grab your gear as the boat is going down. However you struggle to get anyone’s attention and you have to swim back to shore. You’ve lost your boat, but at least you’ve still got your scuba gear.

I wish it would stop raining
Granted, and the rain stays stopped, and a long hard hot drought results, and the land goes brown, as in Britain in 1975-1976.

I wish I knew what is happening under the Phlegrean Fields volcano near Naples in Italy. Seismo readings there are making people worried.

Phlegraean Fields - Wikipedia
Granted, and the rain stays stopped, and a long hard hot drought results, and the land goes brown, as in Britain in 1975-1976.

I wish I knew what is happening under the Phlegrean Fields volcano near Naples in Italy. Seismo readings there are making people worried.

Phlegraean Fields - Wikipedia
You now know exactly what’s happening after a first hand inspection into volcano but, since there’s not enough left of you to spread on toast, you can’t tell anyone else.

I wish my Dive Shop had mid weekend pool hours for checking out gear configurations.
Your shops pool is open, but you don't want to get in there at that time. A weird plumbing configuration results in the toilet water gets flushed through the pool water. It seems to correct itself later on when the pool is open normal hours.

I wish somebody mulch all the tree hurricane debris on my swale.
I wish somebody mulch all the tree hurricane debris on my swale.
Granted: The State has established the Florida Mulching Site with 50 industrial mulchers operating 24/7 on your lawn at 170 decibels, demolished 1/2 of your home to make way for the drive-thru debris drop-off (paying you the assessed value of $2.35) and designated your backyard the dumping ground for all the mulched debris.

I wish someone would pay for my next scuba trip.
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Granted: The State has established the Florida Mulching Site with 50 industrial mulchers operating 24/7 on your lawn at 170 decibels, demolished 1/2 of your home to make way for the drive-thru debris drop-off (paying you the assessed value of $2.35) and designated your backyard the dumping ground for all the mulched debris.

I wish someone would pay for my next scuba trip.

Wish granted, unfortunately the destination is your local waste treatment center holding ponds.

I wish this 'cold weather' would blow past.
Wish granted, unfortunately the destination is your local waste treatment center holding ponds.

I wish this 'cold weather' would blow past.
Granted, but the weather blew past so hard it took your house with, and you in it “Dorothy of Oz “ style to an uncharted isle with great SCUBA opportunity, but no air compressor.

I wish my hubby would agree to booking a SCUBA Vacation without having to wait for our kid to get that Hockey scholarship. My LIFE is on hold!!!

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