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Granted, then you would become a "bump on a log" and have no energy to dive.

Wish I were on a warm sunny beach enjoying the sound of the waves.
Granted, its the sound of 110 foot tidal waves. (Too bad you haven't gotten certified yet).

Wish we could find Scuba Lady's body.
Granted, now it is in the morgue... (awful thought)

Wish we would not lose an hour of sleep tonight!
Granted, you now get to dive your bathtub. Use Nitrox!

Wish the water in inventor's tub wasn't so murky.
Granted, but it's now Hydrogen Peroxide and dissolves neoprene.

Wish I didn't have to go through hayfever season here again.
Granted, you have to go through Swine Flu season in the Antarctic.

Wish my school's team made it into the NCAA Basketball Tournament!
Granted, but then they end up playing the Tarheels and end up with 6 boken legs and the season ends short.

Wish basketball season would hurry up and end!
Granted, but then they end up playing the Tarheels and end up with 6 boken legs and the season ends short./QUOTE]

But, if they were in the tourney, they wouldn't be able to play the Tar Heels because they were almost as bad this year as my team!

As for the season ending (March Madness is the only part I really care about anyway) GRANTED, but all there is to watch now is the NFL Draft!

Wish my football team would finally be smart about the NFL draft and pick someone they actually need in the first round!
Granted, but then they end up playing the Tarheels and end up with 6 boken legs and the season ends short./QUOTE]

But, if they were in the tourney, they wouldn't be able to play the Tar Heels because they were almost as bad this year as my team!

As for the season ending (March Madness is the only part I really care about anyway) GRANTED, but all there is to watch now is the NFL Draft!

Wish my football team would finally be smart about the NFL draft and pick someone they actually need in the first round!

Granted they pick the best player but he gets the swine/bird/SARS flu and is out of action for the season.

Wish SD would quit sniffling :shakehead:

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