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Granted but it would only come every 4 years and what would you do between years!

Wish Virginia would hurry up and warm up!
Granted, its now 110 in the shade.

Wish Scuba Lady hadn't caused a heat wave in my neck of the woods!
Granted but now you are having a cold snap..

I wish people would stop messing with the weather!
Granted, but then the weather may mess with Bowlofpetunias and drop 14" of snow in the middle of summer!!

Wish Spring in Virginia would cooperate.
Well BOP is already messed up..

Granted Spring will co-operate in Virginia... in 2074
Wait, Al Gore said the ice caps will have melted by then and we will all be dead, or diving. Hey, maybe that Al guy ain't all that bad after all!

Wish I won't be the only current SB member still alive in 2074.
Granted but your wet-suit is a WET SUIT!

Wish SD would quit wetting himself!
i wish to wake up 40 lbs lighter...
Granted. You just lost your right leg.

Wish there was actually something good on television nowadays.

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