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granted, but in classic cross culture confusion they misunderstand and only eat vegetarians,

I wish the vegetarians aren't upset when the fleash eating aliens cover them in steak sauce

Granted, they are so weak from only eating vegetables, they don't give much of a fight.

I wish the aliens don't discover that vegetarians aren't as well-marbled and tasty as omnivores, and start after the rest of us!
Granted, they are content to eat vegetarians.

I wish all the converting vegetarians would stop stealing my cows!

Granted, they start stealing your socks instead.

I wish aliens looked better in argyles...
granted the argyle makes them all look like Sean Connery.

I wish the Sean Connery flesh eating aliens would stop ording martinis, shaken, not stirred..

Granted, they stop because a band of Austin Powers FemBots appear and begin, um, shooting at them.

I wish the drunken Sean Connery flesh eating aliens can get away from this formidible horde!
granted the fem bots batteries die as they run out of ammo

I wis the drunken Sean Connery flesh eating aliens would visit Vages during polapalozza (Bet you were wondering when we would get back to that)

Granted but Vages is now a retirement home for incontinent Sean Connery impersonators!

I wish there was a good incontinent Sean Connery impersonator about
granted, but you use your cc to pay for it.

I wish the sean connery's austin martians got better then 1/2 mile to the gal.

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