to steelies of some persuasion....
Driving forces are:
1. More gas; the AL100s are BIG and HEAVY, and have even nastier buoyancy problems than the 80s.
2. Probable doubling up in the future as I progress.
I've been looking at LP95s, LP104s and HP100s (the latter Pressed Steel, the former from either them or perhaps Faber)
As I understand it, the arguments each direction come down pretty much as follows:
1. LPs can use Yokes. Irrelavent since I will end up going to DIN if I go technical anyway for better connection security.
2. LPs are HEAVY. VERY heavy. LP104s are 45lbs each; LP95s are 42lbs each. This is counterbalanced by the ~6lbs I can take off my belt compared to an AL80, but the 104s anyway are still heavier all-up. They're also LARGE.
3. LPs are, however, easy to fill, since with the "+" rating they only go to 2640 psi.
4. HPs are LIGHT. A HP100 is 31 lbs! It too is negative when empty, -1.4, so I can still take that same 6lbs off my belt.
5. HPs REQUIRE DIN. A non-issue for me.
6. HPs might be hard to get a full fill on, since you need 3500 PSI.
7. HPs are smaller; 2" shorter and 3/4" in diameter.
8. HPs might stress my first-stage HP seat more than LPs.
9. And the controversial one; some people overpump LPs dramatically (like to 4,000 PSI!) to get ~150cuft of gas in a LP104. That is something I don't think I'll be doing in any event.
So where do you guys come down on this? The weight deal looks like a big one to me; for a set of doubles we're talking about 28lbs, which is very, very significant, and even with a single the on-land difference is 14lbs which is certainly not chump change.
Driving forces are:
1. More gas; the AL100s are BIG and HEAVY, and have even nastier buoyancy problems than the 80s.
2. Probable doubling up in the future as I progress.
I've been looking at LP95s, LP104s and HP100s (the latter Pressed Steel, the former from either them or perhaps Faber)
As I understand it, the arguments each direction come down pretty much as follows:
1. LPs can use Yokes. Irrelavent since I will end up going to DIN if I go technical anyway for better connection security.
2. LPs are HEAVY. VERY heavy. LP104s are 45lbs each; LP95s are 42lbs each. This is counterbalanced by the ~6lbs I can take off my belt compared to an AL80, but the 104s anyway are still heavier all-up. They're also LARGE.
3. LPs are, however, easy to fill, since with the "+" rating they only go to 2640 psi.
4. HPs are LIGHT. A HP100 is 31 lbs! It too is negative when empty, -1.4, so I can still take that same 6lbs off my belt.
5. HPs REQUIRE DIN. A non-issue for me.
6. HPs might be hard to get a full fill on, since you need 3500 PSI.
7. HPs are smaller; 2" shorter and 3/4" in diameter.
8. HPs might stress my first-stage HP seat more than LPs.
9. And the controversial one; some people overpump LPs dramatically (like to 4,000 PSI!) to get ~150cuft of gas in a LP104. That is something I don't think I'll be doing in any event.
So where do you guys come down on this? The weight deal looks like a big one to me; for a set of doubles we're talking about 28lbs, which is very, very significant, and even with a single the on-land difference is 14lbs which is certainly not chump change.