Congrats to Erika - 100 dives in 2008!

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Reaction score
LA - North Hollywood
# of dives
500 - 999
Congrats Erika - I see you made 100 dives so far this year, and you still have 2+ months to go.


You're my dive hero. I had hoped to get to just 80 dives this year but the schedule isn't cooperating, I'll just be in the 70's like last year. I know how much effort it is to schedule those dives so congratulation again Erika!:wink:
congrats Erika ... wish I could get so many in but those 4 letter words (work, wife, kids, time, life, and so forth) just get in the way. Not complaining just whining.
Erika, that is great!!!! Congratulations...

Any chance in getting a hundred more before the end of the year!?! :D
So it is official, you made your goal. Congratulations! It has been fun tagging along on some of those 100 dives.

Cheers :cheers:
Wow 100! Congratulations and I'm sooo jealous! I’m only up to 45 or so this year!
Congrats Erika - I see you made 100 dives so far this year, and you still have 2+ months to go.


You're my dive hero. I had hoped to get to just 80 dives this year but the schedule isn't cooperating, I'll just be in the 70's like last year. I know how much effort it is to schedule those dives so congratulation again Erika!:wink:

Thank you....... Did not realize any one payed attention the the Siggy lines.

congrats Erika ... wish I could get so many in but those 4 letter words (work, wife, kids, time, life, and so forth) just get in the way. Not complaining just whining.

Erika, that is great!!!! Congratulations...

Any chance in getting a hundred more before the end of the year!?! :D

unfortantly no. I have a New Full time fisheries job that will last me at least a year. Its going to take up some of my time however i hope to at least get 30 more in this year.

So it is official, you made your goal. Congratulations! It has been fun tagging along on some of those 100 dives.

Cheers :cheers:

Yep I finaly made it. Looked at my log. Thursday when we had the 20+ foot viz. :) It was a nice way to make dive 100 of the year. Much more to see then on my 100th dive :)

Of course All these dives where made with the Beach Crabs one way or another. So it could have not been done with out any of your guys help.These are all the people From the SB i have dove with *will not equal 100 because of Misc diving. Sorry if i spelt name wrong :) also numbers might not be exactly right. I did have multi. partners on some dives and i just took the first name on the list in my log book :)

Rich - 16
Nick - 13
Brian - 6
Sam - 6
Mario - 6
Ren - 5
Jim - 5
Meghann - 5
Dad - 4
Jeff - 3
Derrick - 3
Jamie - 3
Rick - 3
Andrew - 2
Johanthan - 2
Jason - 2
Robert - 2
Kevin - 1
Andy - 1
Greg - 1
John -1
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Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!!

We need to bring the BC's back so we can all get 100+ dives each year :D

Thanks, Just post when ya want to dive and im sure some one will come along and want to go :) Just give it more then a days notice :)
Hmm, I could have sworn I did more than just 6 dives with you!

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