Ah heck why not.....
I used to be the die-hard use no computer thing too for a while, and for me that's how I do it. I still think it's great way to keep your mind on the profile, "stay in the game" so to speak, it does keep all that quasi-techno-babble fresh (But really there's precious few here including this know-knot that actually KNOW the algorithms used,....I mean REALLY know them, as all we REALLY do is use some sort of funking easy math that seems to mimick the highly technical math, reasonably well, so the "know the algorithm" dogma never washed with me anyway. Because no you probably don't. You couldn't and make it work, and lamont's method from a few posts ago IS how we do it) No funky algorithm there. Rule of 120 and the like plus 15mins of extra study.
That being said what we do works well, and yes we know it "better" than a strict computer diver does, since all they know is beeping is bad, and don't let that number go to zero
Well OK. I've backed off a bit since even in my DIR-f this wasn't mentioned, and yes I'm sure as I was waiting for it. I assumed it would be so I was biding my time. Course ended without it being mentioned so I assumed it wasn't part of the core studies. No biggie, my DIR-f Instructor is just down the road so I asked him after the course what they story was with that. It's really not any different than what you can find on the internet these days (I'm talking the no-computer diving thing strictly here, so settle down.)
Even then, this info is open to all and yet most don't do it, even though they would be better off knowledge wise if they did.
So in the end, I'm left to conclude that diving recreationally with a computer isn't gonna kill ya, isn't a serious tabboo, and in the broader scheme of things, in the list of priorities to work on as far as the average diver is concerned, this one's way down on my list of things to worry about.
Had a group of divers I was diving with all week while in San Andres recently. I met them down there, and they ranged from novice to ole-timer. Everyone used a computer, and the dive op asked everyone to have one. Well I didn't, my wife did, and he was just lax enough to say OK you can do that as he considered me experienced enough (That and I mentioned my bottom timer could do all that computer stuff...hoping he wouldn't notice....OK shoot me now

I understand the dive-ops concerns, I really do, as I watch horrible scary diving all week (Which had nothing to do with dive computers), but all I really want is to be left alone and to dive with my buddy. Give me the ride and the surface support and leave the diving to us. I understand why they can't do that.
Anyway, the guys asked after a coupe days how I did it. I didn't get into it much except to say I monitor depths and times as I went yadayada......"Heck with that, they said, I'l just let the computer do all that".
They all managed to survive, and I couldn't really fault them too much for it.