RTodd:Uhm, if the profiles were designed to force bubble growth a lot more team members would have been pretzeled or killed. That is not what WKPP deco methods do at all. They actually minimize bubble growth. More conventional profiles cause more bubble growth. The longer stop times of these strategies help treat that. Weinke is the anti-bubble master and he generated a lot of the profiles the team used in the earlier days since it was one of the few groups willing to actually dive his stuff.
Part of where you are confused is that the team does rely on people in very good shape who can get away with microbubble offgassing after the final stops. But, most commercial and military deco diving operations do the same thing by simply washing out the people that can't handle that. Most deco dives invovle microbubbles anyway. It is just a matter of being able to handle it. If you do not have PFO type issues and are in great cardio shape, this is just another way of accelerating deco. If you do have these issues, you will eventually get badly whacked no matter how long you stay in the water.
If someone that can actually explain this stuff better cares to jump in here, that would be great because I have just glossed over huge amounts of relevant info.
In the latest GUE video GI talks about deco and forcing bubble growth in the shallow stops to speed up deco. If I had my DVD's with me I'd quote the section for you but they are at home, and I'm at work... on scuba board.. reading... while at work