I apologize for intruding but some of the DIR people said it was ok to ask questions here a while back so here I go with what Im sure is a stupid question. Just when I think Im getting a few things, something like this comes along and I feel back to ground zero. Would you please help me understand this?
From the original post I interpreted he dove on AIR to 85 for 15 min. and was told diving on AIR was inappropriate on any dive. (Is this incorrect?) Diving AIR was the cause of his headache. I do get that it appears you folks here think the suit unzipper was incorrect well I think that is what you said. (Forgive me for not understanding the other gas stuff yet, Im working on it.) But
Ok, Im a Rec pretty fish looker only trained to dive on AIR and recommended to stay above 100 feet. Im old and have to work pretty hard sometimes to keep up with my gonzo type buddies and do dive to 85 on occasion. Id have to look at my logs to be sure but I think Ive been there for at least 15 min, although probably under a dozen times. I dont get headaches, not trashed after (actually they complain of fatigue) and I thought it was ok to do.
I think somehow Im missing some major part in the answers to his question. It struck me, the suit unzipper was incorrect from the git go at breathing AIR, and that this gas was inappropriate to breathe on ANY dive. Since no one, including wetvet thought the comment was absurd my conclusion is; I am an idiot. Have I neglected to notice a basic DIR principal never dive AIR, only combined gases? I never considered that since so many people do just dive on AIR. I keep finding ways people dive vastly different than why or how I am (its fascinating) so I am an embarrassed idiot too. Please help me see where I goofed.
Thank you.