Close Call! What's the deal TSA...?!

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As you wish to believe Don. 100,000 air miles a year on Delta, and I can only relate how my bags travel with me.

They get there, sometimes with a piece of TSA junkmail, but they get there - rebreather or un-valved cylinder or not.
Don, once the airline accepts your bag, you are home free unless you are packing something serious, like perhaps a cylinder with the valve still on. Let it go, use curb side check in, give a small tip - it is worth it!

Something serious like a couple of bags of sofnolime (with MSDS sheet attached), a couple of al19s with valves removed and clear cellophane tape over the hole, a cannister light. I travel to dive, if my gear doesn't show up there is not much point me showing up.
Personally I agree with deco_martini, TSA is a placebo.
OK.....guess I am living under a rainbow cloud, and I want to thank all of you for keeping the TSA busy so I can slip through, again and again! Heading out againg early Monday morning, so someone please run interference for me!

By the way, packing a Poseidon MkVI rebreather, 12 Cf bailout bottle with valve removed, couple of canisters of Sofnolime, OMS canister light, other misc potential weapons of mass destruction, and I will, once again, leave everything at the curb in Philadelphia with my good skycap friends! $10 and good bye bags!
I haven't flown for awhile, my last time was to Brazil about 4 yrs. ago. I have flown with many airlines for more than 30 yrs., and it is the baggage handlers I don't trust. I've had 2 complete tool boxes, 3 suit cases and 1 computer deleted from my personal inventory in the last 15 yrs. All was compensated by the airline, but :confused:.
It has been a 50/50 endeavor for baggage arriving when I do. I love to fly, but won't anymore unless it's a have-to case. I'm still trying to plan the use of my last 7 free roundtrips I've earned. (Nope, I ain't givin' em away:wink:) TSA uses too many idiots, and the airlines/airports have hired too many thieves/cleptomaniacs for baggage handlers. My stuff will go on a plane with me, I can deal with idiots easier than unseen thieves.
The plane is diverted (usually to Canada) at the airlines expense

I have never heard of an airline diverted to Canada because a passenger was found to be on a no-fly list. Do you have any knowledge of this happening or you just making stuff up?
Over my years of working in dive tourism I have heard enough stories from friends and customers of luggage not turning up for any number of reasons - from security, to theft, being sent to the wrong destination, or simply being sent on the next plane (when you will have already left the airport). If something is valuable and can be carried I would.
I fly that route 3 to 4 times a year. You go thorough a screening at the gate also. You have to go through immigration after landing at Shiphol.

Why they didn't red flag this guy after his father notified both the US embassy and other agencies.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's father Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, a prominent banking official in Nigeria, went to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, to discuss his concerns about his son's religious beliefs.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab appeared on the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database maintained by the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center.

I fly on average 125,000 miles a year. I deal with the TSA weekly. Please keep in mind, the TSA agents are low paid high school graduates in a minor government job. These are not the cream of the crop in the work force. I realize there are a few good people at TSA, but I have only run into a a couple over the years. If you are putting your faith in the TSA to be able to catch every threat to the US, your faith is greatly in need of review.

*Never pack your valuables in your checked luggage. bring them in your carry on luggage.
I've had very few problems with TSA agents over the years, and I am sure that TSA & Homeland Security does indeed accomplish some needed actions before they can become a tragedy - some that we never know about. The arrogant and lazy agents stick in your mind more than the courteous and competent. The ones I depart thru in Lubbock are generally nice, but sometimes I see them socializing on the job, and that was where the lady had to remove her nipple ring. :eek:

This new requirement of no one moves or has anything in their lap the last hour tho? Sounds like they just did that to look busy, huh? So dumb...!
This new requirement of no one moves or has anything in their lap the last hour tho? Sounds like they just did that to look busy, huh? So dumb...!

That is absolutely one of the stupidest rules I have ever heard of being instituted. How does this rule stop any individual from doing something during the rest of the flight?? :idk: talk about a knee jerk reaction.

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