Thanks for the write-up. Some questions:
1. Were you diving solo? It sounds like it. Given the poor vis, in these conditions, I’ve found solo to be BETTER and often SAFER bc I’m not worried about my buddy. Thoughts on solo vs. buddy diving in those conditions?
2. The silt/sand sounds pretty bad at that time. Were you hoping to get beyond and deeper than the surge and get to happier/cleaner water? I assume you were attempting a push through to then have better vis and less debris to foul your regs and scooter.
3. Do you often use your scooter at such shallow depths and in that level of silt? How often does the scooter foul up? (BTW, awesome handling of a stuck on scooter de-fouling with no vis!!!)
4. I’m assuming you were also diving dry and wonder if the silt has affected your valves at all?
1. Solo. You're exactly right. I shuddered at the thought of a second scooter prop in my vicinity. To be close enough to be an effective buddy, their tanks would be a major clubbing hazard in the surge. The last thing I'd want near me is ~400lbs more meat and metal to crash against and tangle in. Once I would be unconscious, I would like a buddy in the dive scenario. But otherwise, I do find solo a less risk filled option in challenging conditions.
2. Exactly right! Could see the nice water from shore, and the other dives once I'm past the surf zone the conditions are lovely.
3. Scooter is a new addition to my diving. The other times I had been ok using it shallow as the sand/sediment jamming the throttle is an annoyance but not unmanageable (I'd like a better design though) as I practiced it extensively because I'm scared of the prop. However, combined with the prop fouling floating weeds (not present the previous dives, perhaps a seasonal thing?) It wasn't the right tool for the job. That's a good clarifying observation. It added to my taskloading. A tight two point stow system would have been better till I was past the surf zone.
4. Wetsuit this time. However for the majority of my blackwater/silt/sand/muck dives in a drysuit I keep my dump valves tightly closed. Add air with one hand positioned for QD on the hose, and add infrequently (when the squeeze gets bad), a stuck inflator has corked a buddy of mine and I've had a partially stuck one that I managed to free before I lost buoyancy control... Bcd is oral inflate only.
Enjoyed the thoughtful questions.
@txgoose, good call on calling it! Vertigo isn't enjoyable. As for the underwater problem solving, it's really satisfying to look back on situations that use to be challenging and are now handled as nearly second nature. The idea if thresholds I like. Thanks for articulating it.