Cheap trip to Australia...Am I out of my mind??

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What do you have to do to become a travel agent??
How many hours are the classes or do you even have to take the classes?
And what's the cost of it all?

I would say call your local travel business and ask them what they require.
If you're asking me personally what my back round is, you can call me on the phone and I will tell you how much money I have put into my travel education, and my travel business. But I won't post it all on the internet.
I know that she would only speak the truth. There are far too many times when a company offers more than you actually get. If something sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.

Do-It-Yourselfers are great! As a former Auto-technician, I used to love them, because MANY OF THEM would create more work for me. :tease: Now some would have the forsight to see just what a particular job required and were able to rise to the challenge so to speak. Many were not. The unfortunate thing, is that it came so easily to the "few" that the many thought they could get away with it too. Consequently, more money was spent than was initially warranted, and there were a lot of expensive mistakes made.

Professionals almost always make it look easy. Hey, it's their job, ya know? I know for a fact that when you rely on Natasha for an excursion you can COUNT on things (other than the weather and political uprisings) to go pretty much the way she planned it for you. She will catch LOTS of things that would normally slip right by the casual "trip planner". Those "things" just might ruin your trip. I believe in my heart that they do not earn enough for the heartache that they help you avoid.

Bottom line? Some of us are very comfortable jumping into strange waters feet first with nary a care of what might be under the surface. Throw crap at us and we use it for fertilizer. We are prepared to make mistakes and pay for them too. We don't need no stinkin' pro to help us go!

Others of us like a little hand holding. Having someone who already has learned the ropes makes sense to us. We don't have the time/patience/extra money to deal with the contingencies that seem to always come up. No, we would rather let the pros do it, and rely on them so we can RELAX during our vacation. You should have seen the stuff she had to deal with on a constant basis at Wreckmania... and hardly anyone knew about it. I did, but hey I am always one to try and help... even when I don't know jack-squat about what we are trying to accomplish. :tease:
Well, This has certainly been a post off the subject. So, if you would like to continue it, please start a new post in non scuba related subjects.
The last thing I will say, is that I never said people shouldn't try to book their own travel.
What I am saying is someone posing as a certified insured travel agent, to get our discounts is not fair or right.
To earn travel agent discounts, and have aan IATAN card,you should be a person selling 50,000 a year in travel. I will report this company that is not following the rules.
I can get back to you on what my the IATAN organization says, in a new thread.
Rather than go back and forth about whether you should book with a travel agent, I thought I'd give you some practical information based on my experiences travelling to Oz.

I was originally considering a package offered by a travel agent which included airfare and hotels in three cities. When I was told, "no hotels are available for the dates you want to go" I said "The heck with this I'll plan it myself." I ended up spending much less money, tailoring the dates and durations of stay in each city to my specific interests, having a blast, and having the thrill of experiencing and discovering things on my own. Do the reasearch first to find out what locations and activities appeal to you. Then, you can make a more informed decision if you decide to go to a travel agent, and you can book on your own if you prefer.

Check out several websites to get an idea of the airfare you should pay for the dates you want. Try,, even if you are flexible about times. Also, go straight to the major carriers (Quantas, United, American, Air New Zealand). Sometimes they run specials on specific routes.

I assume you want to dive. If you really want to see the best of the Great Barrier Reef you will want to do a liveaboard. Take a look at these websites to find out about boats: (Note, they have a green season special. Rain is more likely in the green season. I went to Oz in the grean season and had no problems with rain. On a diveboat, it doesn't really matter if you get wet anyway.) (Note: The dive master with the diving operation I used (a competitor) told me that this is the best dive operation on the Great Barrier Reef. Book with an Australian travel agent if possible because the price is higher for Americans.) will give you an idea of the lodging and activities available in Cairns, the jumping off point for the reef. I can personally recommend the Tully River white water rafting trip and Jump the Beach skydiving in Misssion Beach.

Also take a look at

There are a few other websites that I used when researching my trip but they are on my other computer. I'll see if I can find them.

By the way, if you're at all interested in Tennis, go in to Melbourne in Januray and take in a few sessions of the Australian Open. Ticket prices are quite cheap and it's possibly the best outdoor party I've ever attended.

I'm so jealous! I wish I was going with you!!!!
Well... I could send off a $100 dollars to a Diploma Mill, request and receive a Degree that says I'm a Brain Surgeon, but that wouldn't make me one, would it? Sooner or later I'd be exposed as a fraud. I have nothing against people booking dive trips on their own, thats no problem with me. I know Natasha personally, I know she is a honest person, I know she is a person of integrity. I know these things because I have dealt with her before and will again in the future. I know she has spent years building her business, educating herself and operating her business ethically, and by the rules. Like the NetDoc says, "If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is" :tree: Bob
$4000 US each is heaps... that's about $7000 AU.

For reference, a cheap liveaboard with 5 days inc cod hole and coral sea (taka II - out of Cairns) is $1400 AU each for the best room, and $1100 for a bunk.

Mike BAll is the most expensive, and a similar trip will be $1500 to $2000 AU each

Out of Cairns, all the boats do similar trips, except a few go out to the Coral Sea.

Do Not do a trip which doesn't go to the Coral Sea. It is simply Awesome.

Further South, two dive day trips run around $80 AU.

If you want to put together a diving trip, I'd recommend flying into Cairns, doing aliveaboard trip, fly down to townsville and go out to the Yongala, down to brisbane and dive on some of the wrecks, Byron bay for some relaxation, and then Sydney for the view and some good shore dives.
Done it all, and will do it all again.

Or down to Tas for some good cold water diving and crayfish.

You'd get this trip in budget as long as you don't want 5 star service everywhere...

Hi Amber,

If you do get to Australia do what everyone is saying and B-line it to Cairns.

The Cairns Tourist Information Centre Cairns Website has heaps of info which is a good stop to pre-plan.

I highly recommend the Coral Sea live aboards. This way you can have a stayover at a hotel on the land for a few nights and then live aboard for a week or two. It's fantastic. You will meet heaps of fellow travellers and have a great time.

My last trip I used Pro Dive but the captain and dive master were absolute nazi's whereas the rest of the crew were fantastic. The boat was excellent and the facilities tops. Absolutely a load of fun. Unfortunately the week long dive to the outer reef wasn't all that good hence my recommendation to go up the Coral Sea.

When you get back make sure you hire a car and drive further North to the Daintree. Fantastic rainforests and sights.

Anyway, message me if you would like more info


James ;)

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