Web Monkey:
Actually, a lot of old stuff *IS* junk.
Your regulator may be just fine, but how many more trips to the bottom will an old cracked BC make? Would you rather use a watch, depth and pressure guages and a dive table, or a computer?
Technology marches on. You don't have to buy it all, but a lot of the time, newer really *IS* better.
FWIW, I don't own a dive shop or work in the industry.
I should have told you what gear was being criticized - by more than a few dive shops in my area. There was one that didn't... They simply were "neutral" about my gear. Guess which one gets my money?
Specifically, the gear criticized were my (brand new) Jet fins... After they criticized my regs ("Apeks? Who are they? Some off-brand?") and my backplate and wings ("Man, this design went out in 1972 when the stab jacket was created.") I also got a lot of flack about my choice of tanks ("You need these new high pressure steels - they're smaller, lighter, and aren't buoyant at the end of the dive. Why dive AL80's?" For reference, I dive wet with a bp/wing - AL tanks are the tanks of choice in this configuration.)
None of the gear that's been criticized is more than two years old... They were actually criticized for the "ancient design." If they had their way, I'd be diving the latest jacket, an HP steel tank, and a new set of split fins.
Re: The computer... Interesting question. I'd rather be diving tables cut for my specific plan.
I'd dive a computer if I was looking to never hit my "decompression limit," but since all dives are essentially decompression dives, I find the mindset flawed.
More on that another time.
More that I've heard from dive shops in the local area:
"What the heck are you going to do with all of that hose? (Chuckle.) Man, I sure wouldn't want to dive with you, buddy."
"You need to stop doing that genie-hover thing and get on the ground. You look like the current's going to take you away at any moment."
"Since you can't swim backwards, you want to avoid going into spaces that you can't turn around in."
"I hate it when you just
hover there. I feel like I can't control you." (Mind you, I wasn't on
his dive... He and I weren't buddies... So I wondered why he felt like he had to "control" me in the first place.)
"In this type of current (1.5 knots), you really need to get like 50 or 60 pounds on your belt so that you'll stick to the bottom and not be carried away."
"That junk on the internet is hogwash... They have no clue. They just don't know what it's like to dive around here." (Yeah, like the water's magically different than everywhere else in the world or something.)
"Why the heck don't you have your octo done in bright yellow? And how is anyone supposed to get that necklace off of you in an emergency?"
"One of these days you'll get those clunkers off your feet (Jets) and get a set of Biofins on and feel the difference."
"What the heck do you know about computers, anyway? Obvioiusly you can't afford the good ones, 'cause that one isn't air integrated." (I wear a Vyper on my wrist in guage mode.)
"You think THAT light is something? (Referring to a rented Halcyon Helios nickle metal hydride can light with an 18 watt head). You should see this one... I call it "The Light of God." (Points to his 50 watt incandescent with a 30 lb. lead-acid 5 gallon bucket (okay, that's an exaggeration) battery, attached to the single tank on his back).
Oh, man... The list goes on and on.
Oh yeah... It's interesting to note that the shop that had thought that Apeks was an "off brand" began carrying the Apeks line less than six months later. See... Since they'd been an Aqualung dealer for a while, the transition was somewhat natural. I was floored the day that I stopped in there (to talk to a buddy, not to shop) and they were showing off their "best reg yet" - an Apeks ATX200... The exact reg that they'd made fun of just a few months earlier.
I don't think it ever sank in, either... I was standing there in shock, staring at the reg when the dive shop owner (the one who made fun) waltzed over to me and said, "Nice, isn't it? Would you like to see it?" And I responded with a, "No, I'm just surprised to see that you carry them. That's what I dive with."
He replied, "When did you buy a new reg?"
"A year and a half ago."
It never even hit him.