Bill, Salma is a dope.
come on.
and long has she been living here, now? Well, you could help her with her English.
I did like Freida. She was good in that, with the unibrow.
Welllllll, I find her English to be pretty good. Perhaps it's her accent you're referring to? I find that most people tend to go crazy over Aussies/British accents, but any other country's accent, and you guys tend to be pretty harsh towards them. Perhaps it's because, um, they don't necessarily look like our
dear long lost cousins?
Why don't you try learning a new language, and moving to a whole new country that you're not familiar with and dealing with a whole a lot of other issues that immigrants tend to deal with?
And, even if you did move to another country, most of the other countries tend to go gaga over Americans/British/Aussies and so on. So, either way, you've got the best of the deal. It's the
other immigrants that usually get the raw end of the deal.
Anyway, end of hijack. Sorry if this offended anyone. I got offended with that posting.
I wouldn't mind diving with George Clooney. He's cute as hell!
Unfortunately I don't think he dives.
Edited later to add this.
This post is not intended to be inflammatory at all. If I offended others, I apologize. And please don't bring politics in reference to this posting.
All I just wanted to point out is that it takes tremendous amount of courage to move to another country, another language, another system and so on. Let's not forget that.
That said, I know this is a scuba board. I love the job that the moderators do here. Anyway, just apologizing in advance if I gave offense.