sambolino44:I just read in the Wikipedia article about the Oriskany that John McCain expressed the desire to visit his old quarters. I don't know if this means he's already a diver or not.
Perhaps it's because his bunkmate was killed in the war and he doesn't want to re-visit old memories?
However, I wouldn't believe half the crap that's in Wikipedia. You can go on there and edit it and put in that Snoopy used to fly his doghouse off the Oriskany against the Red Baaron and they'll leave it in there.
At one time the WIkipedia post on the Oriskany was written with a very negative tone towards sinking it. Most likely by someone who didn't want it sunk as a wreck but wanted to keep it as a museum. Anyway... They claimed that "Radical Divers were trying to sink the ship."
A bunch of liberal idiots run that site.