Cayman Will Re-Open Borders to Visitors in March 2021

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I'm curious. Did you read the first post in this thread? Or are you just trolling?

From the 1st post link: “We will require that arriving travellers have also been vaccinated and received both a negative COVID-19 test before arriving and a second negative test on arrival, along with any other public health requirements. Travellers not meeting these requirements will have to quarantine,” he added.

Granted the statement reads "require." Overall the whole statement is a bit ambiguous, to say the least. Later dated information, such as the link I posted, seem to indicate the that quarantining will still be an option but we now know someone did say it. Again a moot point, IMO, as things will change.

Trolling! Really!! - didn't really know what it was until I looked it up before this post. Because I forgot what was posted on Dec.31 but have remembered a little more of what has been more recently published, such as the link I shared, shouldn't really lead to an accusation (or even an inquiry) of being a troll. If you thought I was trolling or was directing something at you - apologies. If I would have replied to my post
so who is saying it will.
it's possible, if I would have thought to go back to the very first post and reread the link, that I would have copied and pasted the quote above as a reminder to other readers of the thread.
Well, to all intents and purposes, if someone wants to take a vacation on the island and go SCUBA diving, the idea of sitting in quarantine for the first 2 weeks because you don't have the two vaccination shots completed probably excludes having Cayman as a destination. So to me it's not in the least bit ambiguous.
Whelp, I guess it’s time to look into drysuit.
Clearly Cayman resorts updates opening plan:

Holy cow! I have a booking in early Oct at LCBR. 18 people. Most are in medical field so most vaccinated fortunately. Should be interesting...
From: Caribbean & Pacific Dive Vacations <> o
Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 10:08 AM
Subject: Reminder: Pandemic In Paradise

What's Happening At Favorite Dive Resorts During Pandemic?
It's been tough all over for everyone, including those in the dive travel business and those living on small islands with limited resources. We are all wondering how it's going around the Caribbean & Pacific with some of our favorite dive resorts and dive shops.

First interview is with Sue Belport, Sales Director with Clearly Cayman. This dive resort group owns Cobalt Coast on Grand Cayman, Brac Reef Resort on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Beach Resort on Little Cayman.

Here's The Big Question:
When Do You Anticipate Opening?
When will we open? We are unable to open our resorts until the Cayman Island Government opens up their borders for international travel. It is possible to travel there now, however you are required to quarantine for 15 days, which doesn’t work for the average vacationer. Their most recent Government announcement has said that it is dependent on vaccinations and no date has been given to hopefully reopen. When it does happen it is expected the Caymanian government will probably require the following:
a. Proof of vaccination
b. Negative PCR test 72 hours prior to arrival.
c. 2nd negative test upon arrival.
d. 3rd negative test 5 days after your arrival
This could quite easily change, but this is the most recent data on entry.

Anything New Being Done At The Resorts While Closed?
All 3 of our properties have done some “sprucing up” during our downtime, but no major improvements. Keep in mind that most staff left the islands after they closed down and we have had skeleton crews that opted not to (leave).

What Have Employees Been Doing? How Have They Survived?
For our staff that remained, our company has provided housing and food to help them get by. Caymanians have been receiving a monthly stipend from the government, however ex-pats are not entitled to this benefit.

What Is Your Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy?
Any Differences In Rate? Number Of Times To Reschedule?
Our company is being very flexible with regard to cancellations and rebooks.
We understand that this is beyond frustrating and we’ve also moved the same guests around 4 and 5 times. For most guests, we are moving them to dates as far out as 2023 and protecting their current package rate, with no increase.

If guests are not able to provide us with a new date, then we are giving them a voucher for the amount they paid to use when they are ready, and also protecting their package price. Even if they purchased an “off-season” package, they can use it anytime they like.


What about COVID Safety? What Are You/Will You Do To Protect Guests?
Clearly Cayman's Safety Guidelines can be downloaded by clicking here.

Final Thought:
“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s OK. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully you leave something good behind. Anthony Bourdain


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At the time of the Premier's statement on Feb 1, a few less than 8,000 Caymanians had received a dose of the Pfizer vaccine, a little less than 300 had received the 2nd dose.
Unfortunately, international travel for 2021 will have with it uncertainties, changing requirements and will require a lot of patience, luck and a tolerance for change and cancellation.
Clearly Cayman resorts updates opening plan:

View attachment 641006

Oh boy, this is not welcome news. I realize that with the upcoming elections, nobody wants to be accused of opening the islands too early and have people become sick. Sometimes it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is just a train. Clearly I am in need of some more Cayman Picture of the Day posts...

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