Cayman - Picture of the Day

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Red Hind, Cayman Brac

---------- Post added April 6th, 2013 at 07:20 AM ----------

Sand Diver, Cayman Brac
On the edge of nana land, Bloody Bay wall Little Cayman,
a "Channel Clinging Crab"

---------- Post added April 8th, 2013 at 09:33 AM ----------

South side of the Brac, Arrow Crab
Lighthouse Reef
I'm just guessing but it looks like the grouper on the right is a Yellow mouth grouper the one in the middle is a Nassau grouper and the one on the left looks more like a Dog Snapper.
There is a time of year that the groupers migrate though the Caymans, most notably it's been documented at Little Cayman.

(sorry not Caymans)

giant trout.jpgbPICT0098.jpg
I took this in Cairns AU in 2011. The guide said it was a Giant Trout but it looks like a Nassua Grouper to me. What do you think?
Down under the call their Grouper "Potato Cod" Could it just be a local thing to call them Trout?
Originally Posted by dmoore19Hey Caymaniac,

Have you ever taken a bad picture? Wow, I am amazed at what you have posted in this thread and every day you seem to come up with another one.

caymaniac, Oh, I have more...they are lined up just waiting to get to this thread:cheers:. Thanks for the kudos, I might as well post them and others can enjoy them, they are just sitting there looking back at me.

Agreed, What do you shoot with?
How do I get my photos to stop being of.... dark blobs behind blue murky water or white floaties?
I took this in Cairns AU in 2011. The guide said it was a Giant Trout but it looks like a Nassua Grouper to me. What do you think?
Down under the call their Grouper "Potato Cod" Could it just be a local thing to call them Trout?

It is a species of trout, they have the horizontal lines. I've been to Australia a couple of times. I've been to Cod Hole and those grouper are quite large.

---------- Post added April 8th, 2013 at 06:08 PM ----------

Agreed, What do you shoot with?
How do I get my photos to stop being of.... dark blobs behind blue murky water or white floaties?

First of all you have to experiment with your camera angles and most important is the strobe. What I mean by angles is you have to try and get upward angles and the strobe needs to be off to the side a bit so that you don't reflect the particles in the water on to your photo. If you are not using a strobe (flash) then you will not get color. If you are using a strobe that is attached to the camera then it should be above the camera and off to one side (left or right)a little.
Take all your photos within your reach...this was my first mistake, I was taking photos from over six feet away and you need to be close. I figure if I could reach it (with a arm and hand extended) then take a picture, at the most six foot away and with a powerful strobe. Of course this is why people buy a expensive strobe and a housing for their good cameras and that means spending more than you wanting to because for the expense of the strobe and camera you could go on a nice dive trip.

---------- Post added April 8th, 2013 at 07:43 PM ----------

The color of your photo is good (Cajun Diver), the position of the subject is unfortunate ... and that is underwater photography,... you have to wait or choose a new subject and wait.

---------- Post added April 8th, 2013 at 07:45 PM ----------

It also helps to have an adobe photoshop product, like Elements so you can clone out problem particles

---------- Post added April 9th, 2013 at 09:36 AM ----------

Airport wall, Cayman Brac
Last edited:
Little Cayman, Queen Trigger fish.
Reticulated Sea Slug (I think)
Broadstripe Goby, Cayman Brac.

---------- Post added April 12th, 2013 at 07:34 AM ----------

Flamingo Tongue,Patch Reef, Cayman Brac.
This guy was hopping his way across the sand when I came by and he headed inside.


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