Caye Caulker Recommendations

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A couple years ago we stayed at Seaside Cabanas. Back then I think it was the only lodging with a pool. It's best rooms were only $110 a night, had nice individual roof top decks, good for drying any gear and just hanging out. I enjoyed Caye Caulker and was surprised at the number of quality restuarants there. I could easily go back for a week. My wife however saw it once, had some fun but has no desire to return, but she would return to AC. All depends on what you are looking for.

I do think Caye Caulker is a well kept secret value, hope it stays that way.

We flew to CC twice on Tropic Air which I think is the best run local airline I've ever seen. Took the boat once from CC to AC, cheap and only about 20 minutes.

As an aside one of the instructors at my LDS refers to AC as a "third world place". But we live in LA so I guess everything is relative. But for some reason I always chuckle when I remember him describing AC as third world while others claim it's too busy and built up.
who runs technical dives to the Blue Hole? Is there He available on the cayes?
Yes to the second, AquaDives to the first. They're not much in demand and are arranged specially, but yes they can happen. For over 5 years my operation Protech provided mixed gas and any nitrox mix, but demand just wasn't strong enough to support the considerable investment and massive costs involved. I closed the business a few months ago. The compressor & mixed gas facility I sold to AquaDives, so now they are the only dive operator in Belize who can support real technical diving (OC and CCR).

The last technical expedition was in late November, run by AquaDives with my facilitation, and I am possibly expecting to do another one later this month. I have been discussing with them how to raise interest from its present almost non-existent level. A key problem is that we can't offer wreck diving, which most techies demand. We are considering ways of perhaps sinking a sizeable wreck here.

As to Ambergris Caye being third world, a lot depends on when he first visited. It's changed massively in the seven years I've been here. In most things it's not so much third world but "a side alley off second world"
As to Ambergris Caye being third world, a lot depends on when he first visited. It's changed massively in the seven years I've been here. In most things it's not so much third world but "a side alley off second world"

"a side alley off second world" - that's a great line!
Yes to the second, AquaDives to the first. They're not much in demand and are arranged specially, but yes they can happen. For over 5 years my operation Protech provided mixed gas and any nitrox mix, but demand just wasn't strong enough to support the considerable investment and massive costs involved. I closed the business a few months ago. The compressor & mixed gas facility I sold to AquaDives, so now they are the only dive operator in Belize who can support real technical diving (OC and CCR).

The last technical expedition was in late November, run by AquaDives with my facilitation, and I am possibly expecting to do another one later this month. I have been discussing with them how to raise interest from its present almost non-existent level. A key problem is that we can't offer wreck diving, which most techies demand. We are considering ways of perhaps sinking a sizeable wreck here.

Peter, that sounds promising. I would love to see the bottom of the blue hole :). Some good wrecks (even if they are artificial) would do well to attract technical divers if you can land them in deep water. There are a lot of us w/ non-technical divers as SO's. If I could take my girlfriend for a couple of reef and fishy dives then tackle some big dives I would get back there in a hurry! Keep up posted.
Thanks everyone for your comments and advice. Has anyone done the overnight camping/2 day/6 dive trip with Frenchies?
You shouldn't find it difficult to just arrive and secure a place to stay at this time of year. I stayed at Da Real McCaw and found it to be fine. Centrally located and inexpensive...just be aware that petty property crime does take place on the island (as it does anywhere) so watch your valuables and secure your windows at night.

Peter is right about the dive sites....the better local ones are off Ambergris Caye (where they are but 5 minutes offshore) but getting to them from Caye Caulker is not a problem. Caye Caulker is about 30 minutes closer to the southern atolls but you are still looking at a fairly lengthy boat ride (2 to 2 1/2 hours each way) depending on the seas. Usually one direction will be quicker and smoother because of prevailing winds.

I used Big Fish for the trip to the Blue Hole and was happy with their service. I had read a lot of very positive reviews about both Frenchies and Belize Diving Services prior to going but couldn't coordinate dives with them because of high seas. You are, unfortunately, heading out at a time when you might get blown off the water but there are far worse places to spend free time. Caye Caulker is a great spot with good restaurants and bars and a small town attitude. Have a Belikin or six.

You read a lots of mixed reviews about the Blue Hole. While I wouldn't be in a hurry to do it again and certainly wouldn't endure the long boat ride to do so, I am happy that I did dive it. The formations are fascinating and, although a short dive because of the depth, the safety stop provided lots to see in the way of marine life. I managed to dive it twice last year...once from Caye Caulker and once from a live-aboard and enjoyed it both times. As Peter and others have mentioned, the subsequent dives at Half Moon Caye wall and Aquarium at Long Caye are outstanding and make it a worthwhile three tank day.

I still like Ambergris Caye and I think that you might consider (if you have a non diving day) a water taxi trip to see it. It is more hustle and bustle that Caye Caulker but also has some great bars and restaurants, closer local dive sites and a great choice of quality dive ops. Peter ran a great operation and it is too bad that he closed up shop but there are good reviews on here of many more.

Enjoy the trip....I am a big fan of Belize and, should you have additional questions, let me in South Surrey.
Thx RossandMaureen, appreciate the advice. We are leaving tomorrow, cant wait, will keep my fingers crossed for calmer seas all week. We plan on doing 3 - 3 tank days to the outer atolls and 2 days locally.

Weather's pretty good right now. Cold though - bring a baggy cycling cape to put over you and your wetsuit on the boat after a dive, and bring lightweight long pants and a light fleece for evenings. And a really good waterproof if it rains again.
It sounds like most of the dive ops from CC go up to AC. How long is the boat ride there, on average? Is the boat ride in protected water, inside the reef? How about the surface interval. Do they go back to CC or stay on the boat? I am not a very good sailor! Thanks.
Short boat ride, maybe 15-20 mins. Surface interval is usually on the boat, inside the reef. They usually go to shark-ray alley or something like that. It's definitely not a sporty boat ride.

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