I’ve been fooling around with sump diving since the mid 1990s, mostly of the short/shallow nature. I’ve spent the majority of this time lurking on many forums… That said I’ve seen some recent alarming trends where people think they can shortcut their way into this sub-culture of cave diving/caving. Not good…
I fully agree on getting involved in the caving community, it is important for many reasons. You should also be in good standing with the cave diving community as well… you should be devouring information…. However you should also accomplish the following:
1.) Get “Full Cave” from a reputable instructor, make sure they are demanding and not easy. Sumps are not forgiving so your instructor should also not be. STAY OUT OF THE SUMPS!
2.) Go get over 150 cave dives of progressively more difficult dives logged. Do it in “tourist caves”. STAY OUT OF THE SUMPS!
3.) Go find a sump diver that will mentor you. This is the important part! Go carry their gear, watch what they do. STAY OUT OF THE SUMPS!
4.) Consider yourself a novice again. STAY OUT OF THE SUMPS!
5.) Purchase even more gear. Have your mentor work with you in open water to suss out your gear, and to press you into (controlled) stressful situations. STAY THE HECK OUT OF THOSE SUMPS!
6.) Start out slow and easy when your mentor signals you are ready to enter the darker side.Take only small bites. Don’t get a sour stomach by eating too much of the cake

7.) Assess your motivations and risks.
8.) Dive with your mentor for several years before striking out on your own…. You will know when and if you are ready.
9.) Don’t ever eat too much cake on one sitting.
10.) IF your head is not right or something is bothering you on dive day - STAY OUT OF THE SUMPS!
This pathway takes several years and dogged dedication. I’m saying it here - The Sumps will eat you. SUMPS WILL EAT YOU FOR DESSERT AND THINK NOTHING OF IT! This is no joke by any means. Great Florida cave divers stay away from sump diving for a reason. I strongly suggest thinkng long and hard about why you would engage this activity. Your returns will be a scant few minutes of diving in crap conditions after having spent days of gear work ups, days of prep and hours of driving. Then you have to deal with your filthy and destroyed gear for days when you get home. Are you crazy? Properly done there is ZERO adrenaline. THIS IS NOT A THRILL SPORT. It’s cold, it’s really nasty, and the cave chows on your gear with a menacing grin. Most sump dives in the Appalachians are true zero-viz dives on the return trip out. Did you lay your line in trap? Did you? You better have your head on square and tight so you can get your ass back home through the chocolate soup you just tromped up on the far side. This ain’t Florida! Go put your time in and take no short cuts. If I hurt your feelings here then you are not ready, and go find yourself another hobby. Sumps will teach you humility…
Be safe,