I do fault the divers. Basic instruction is the license to learn beyond your basic skill set. I found from a survey I conducted and published in UWS that most people didn't receive adequate or minimum cave conservation training,but learning beyond the entry level is their responsibility. Cave divers need to take personal responsibility and quit blaming instructors/agencies for all their deficits. If your buoyancy and trim skills are inadequate and you are in a small passage,the whole dive you are bumping the walls/ceiling and stirring up silt, personal responsibility means you don't have the skill set to be there, and exit. Where yes I agree with your comment that there are deficits in training,since there are deficits in how instructors are made with some agencies,but cave divers can't continue to lay blame for all their failures on this alone,but accept personal responsibility, and work to improve.
---------- Post added February 27th, 2015 at 06:40 AM ----------
I think the point of not knowing they are doing that is wrong is fairly short lived,because there is enough pervasive discussion and videos out there to give a person a general idea of how to do it right,now comes the, "don't care". The don't care is going to cost you and me access,because I know I sound like Chicken Little, and "the sky is falling...", the largest land owner of caves DOES CARE, DOES ASK, and the solution is something NOBODY will like.