D1V3R:your right about that, but any catostrphic failure would pretty much screw you over, you hear about guys getting leaks and the getting "caustic cocktail"
I think rebreathers are great 9wish I could afford one, lol), but If your using a unit with no bailout its not apropriate for caving
A "caustic cocktail"is pretty unlikely on a properly designed rig... I have had almost HALF my cannister flooded and never had an issue.. Most of the reports come from recreational designs like the drager which have very poor water trapping ability..
Carrying OC bailout is the norm (although forreally big dives a second RB is an option).
The other group of divers that get a "CC" is miliraty/commercial divers since they use lithium hydroxide which does not like any water at all.. This is primarily where the term came from.. Civilian rigs use Sodalime which NEEDS water to function..