D1V3R:Most Rebreathers are lacking in redundancy by quite a bit compared to a normal caving rig, what re-breather would you be using?
That is a complete understatement, you must be new to RB

I cave dive allot here in FL, and see re-breather's all the time in the cave's, matter of fact there was just a 800+ cave dive on a RB. Even if you have a complete failure, such as a loop flood, RB diver's still carry bail-out, and should be able to bail out to O/C at anytime, and plan there gas to get them out, which they do. I see them also drop stage bottle's in the cave, and pick them up on the way out.
There are many Inspiration RB diver's that I see cave diving, along with the RB80, which is a RB designed solely for cave diving.