If you get bored with intro limits, get more training.
No need to have a bunch of classes, each teaching a separate tiny component.
"doubles mini" "thirds mini" "jumps mini" "circuit mini" "traverse mini" "stage mini" "deco mini"
Just learn to cave dive if you want to cave dive. We have a reasonable class that trains people the bare minimum to survive in a cave, we call it cave 1 or Intro. If you want to continue, sign up for full cave or cave 2. Simple.
---------- Post added September 11th, 2013 at 04:08 PM ----------
Single tanks suck for 1 big huge reason: NOT ENOUGH GAS. You don't have enough reserve to sort out problems, and THAT is a big deal. Sheck did a great job, but we've learned things since then. I don't care what agency you train with. I care about people not drowning.
No need to have a bunch of classes, each teaching a separate tiny component.
"doubles mini" "thirds mini" "jumps mini" "circuit mini" "traverse mini" "stage mini" "deco mini"
Just learn to cave dive if you want to cave dive. We have a reasonable class that trains people the bare minimum to survive in a cave, we call it cave 1 or Intro. If you want to continue, sign up for full cave or cave 2. Simple.
---------- Post added September 11th, 2013 at 04:08 PM ----------
So the alternative is "James or AJ say so, so Sheck was this unsafe guy who didn't know what he's talking about"?
I am certain you guys are skilled, safe divers. Beyond that though there's nothing I know about you to establish your credibility in a way that I would discount what Sheck or an agency you didn't train through says, however much derision you lay into your opinions on a subject.
If there's some compelling reasons that can be cited to support all of the fire and brimstone I've heard against the H-valve, I'd be willing to listen. I'm talking something real though, not just the party-line "You're gonna die" stuff. I've heard that before, and to me it just comes off as scare-tactics. I don't think an H-valve is ideal, but I also don't buy that it's this huge monster worth such ranting. Really, I believe there's an element of chest-thumping on this subject to promote how much "safer" one agency is than any who'd dare allow something that they don't.
Single tanks suck for 1 big huge reason: NOT ENOUGH GAS. You don't have enough reserve to sort out problems, and THAT is a big deal. Sheck did a great job, but we've learned things since then. I don't care what agency you train with. I care about people not drowning.