Caribe Blu difficulties

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I just booked Caribe Blu/Blue Angel for 10/30 - 11/6. This will be my third dive trip there and I hope to enjoy this one as much as the previous two. They do seem to attract a lot of ScubaBoarders. The response times to emails can vary but the sometimes needed persistence pays off with the dive/hotel value.
Greetings from Cozumel and Caribe Blu. We arrived last Friday and are having a great time. Some of the rooms are being renovated but it looks the same as last year. The water temp is running at 83/84 and the currents have been a little strange but no problem. The water pressure in the rooms is a little down but we have hot and cold. The diving has been good. Viz is ok but not gin clear. Food upstairs is still quite good. The people here are very friendly and helpful, as always. Blu Angel has limited us to 60 minute dives but Katherina the other day let us stay for 72 min. Jorge insists on surfacing with 650 psi. All in all, I still recommend staying and divng here. It's a nice, quiet divers hotel, clean and fun. I finally met Jeannie. She's back from Dema and running the show in Alex's absense.

Oh, a bit of news. Alex has taken some of the DMs to Galapagos this week. They are diving with Aggressor this week. Hope they are having a blast like me.

Will return home Sunday.

Bye for now.

Greetings from Cozumel and Caribe Blu. We arrived last Friday and are having a great time. Some of the rooms are being renovated but it looks the same as last year. The water temp is running at 83/84 and the currents have been a little strange but no problem. The water pressure in the rooms is a little down but we have hot and cold. The diving has been good. Viz is ok but not gin clear. Food upstairs is still quite good. The people here are very friendly and helpful, as always. Blu Angel has limited us to 60 minute dives but Katherina the other day let us stay for 72 min. Jorge insists on surfacing with 650 psi. All in all, I still recommend staying and divng here. It's a nice, quiet divers hotel, clean and fun. I finally met Jeannie. She's back from Dema and running the show in Alex's absense.

Oh, a bit of news. Alex has taken some of the DMs to Galapagos this week. They are diving with Aggressor this week. Hope they are having a blast like me.

Will return home Sunday.

Bye for now.


Thanks for the info Sandra! Glad you are having fun. Keep the place warm for us as we will be there Sunday afternoon. After lunch, shore dive here we come!!! :D :D :D
Thanks for the info Sandra! Glad you are having fun. Keep the place warm for us as we will be there Sunday afternoon. After lunch, shore dive here we come!!! :D :D :D

The weather is the pits. Bring an umbrella. Everything else is super. Oh, by the way... we saw two giant morays mating yesterday. They were over 5' long. Also, the eagle rays are around. Saw 2 more on tonight's dive. Not much to see out front so we took a twilight and night dive. Later..... have a good time and wave as we pass in the airport.


Are you using the free wireless at Caribe Blue? They are supposed to have it now...
The weather is the pits. Bring an umbrella. Everything else is super. Oh, by the way... we saw two giant morays mating yesterday. They were over 5' long. Also, the eagle rays are around. Saw 2 more on tonight's dive. Not much to see out front so we took a twilight and night dive. Later..... have a good time and wave as we pass in the airport.


Sandra- Thanks for the "live" update from Cozumel and Caribe Blu! If you see Jeanie tell her HI for us
Mike and Jean from Boonville!!
The weather is the pits. Bring an umbrella. Everything else is super. Oh, by the way... we saw two giant morays mating yesterday. They were over 5' long. Also, the eagle rays are around. Saw 2 more on tonight's dive. Not much to see out front so we took a twilight and night dive. Later..... have a good time and wave as we pass in the airport.


It was beautiful weather yesterday as is rained last night after 9:00 but was clear by 6:00am
It was beautiful weather yesterday as is rained last night after 9:00 but was clear by 6:00am

EXCELLENT! It has been raining over a week now straight here in NY and the North East!
Yes. Using their PC in the office. Our neighbors have wireless PC so they get wireless service in their room on their laptop. I don't know where Christi is but yesterday we were pelted for about an hour with heavy rain during our surface interval. Squall line passed through. It also rained here a few minutes yesterday afternoon. Also, it came down in sheets last night and buckets the night before. On Saturday, we were in town and it poured there but not a drop here at the hotel. Typical tropical weather.

Diving is really quite good. Part of our group leaves tomorrow and the rest of us on Sunday.

I had a nice conversation with Jeannie yesterday. The second floor rooms are all being renovated. Not due to Emily damage, just upgrading. All rooms have refrigs now with small (very small) freezers.

We have had no problem adding dives. I added 2 twilight and 2 night dives the morning of and also added 2 dives for this morning. Plus adding for members of my group here and there. Business is good for Blu Angel. They deserve good press as they all try very hard to make everyone happy and have safe diving. Bad part was we had to return to Coleta now 2 times for more tanks. But.... life is good. No complaints from me or anyone in my group. They will all dive with Blu Angel again as we will too. Next year I will bring a bigger group. Only 7 divers this time. Adios. Scubadobadoo's, have a blast. Sorry we will miss you.



Are you using the free wireless at Caribe Blue? They are supposed to have it now...[/QUOTE]
Yes. Using their PC in the office. Our neighbors have wireless PC so they get wireless service in their room on their laptop. I don't know where Christi is but yesterday we were pelted for about an hour with heavy rain during our surface interval. Squall line passed through. It also rained here a few minutes yesterday afternoon. Also, it came down in sheets last night and buckets the night before. On Saturday, we were in town and it poured there but not a drop here at the hotel. Typical tropical weather.

Diving is really quite good. Part of our group leaves tomorrow and the rest of us on Sunday.

I had a nice conversation with Jeannie yesterday. The second floor rooms are all being renovated. Not due to Emily damage, just upgrading. All rooms have refrigs now with small (very small) freezers.

We have had no problem adding dives. I added 2 twilight and 2 night dives the morning of and also added 2 dives for this morning. Plus adding for members of my group here and there. Business is good for Blu Angel. They deserve good press as they all try very hard to make everyone happy and have safe diving. Bad part was we had to return to Coleta now 2 times for more tanks. But.... life is good. No complaints from me or anyone in my group. They will all dive with Blu Angel again as we will too. Next year I will bring a bigger group. Only 7 divers this time. Adios. Scubadobadoo's, have a blast. Sorry we will miss you.



Are you using the free wireless at Caribe Blue? They are supposed to have it now...

That's tropical weather for you...can be pouring in one place and sunny and beautiful just down the road or ocean in this case....and doesn't usually last long.

My group didn't get rained on at all yesterday. I did notice some major cloud action yesterday afternoon, but it never rained in town until last night.

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