I dove with Palancar the day of all the problems. I know one person got a 5 hour ride in the chamber. A couple on our boat, doing there first OW dive, she was very sick and wasn't too cohirent. Don't know if she followed my suggestion and got medical attention. One person was suffering from hyperthermia, find this a little hard to believe with water temps of 80f. All togethere I heard of 5 different incidence that day.
My opinion bad air, also, the next day not a tank from Palancar was on the boat, but this is second hand information.
Make me wonder if I should fork out some cash on a tester??
Gene V
I ve been staying at the occidental and diving with palancar and other dive OP's in Cozumel for four years at about 24 dives per visit. Never had any issue except the cattle boating from palancar(Moooooo) so i stick to the small boats with less divers on board.
On thing i realized when traveling to foreign Caribbean location(because thats the only places i've been) is that when something goes wrong there isn't much accountability or justice and you will have to go back home with in the week or next.They basically protect there own interest and bury the truth.
So that said. I will for sure fork out the cash for an analyzer because one bad tank is one to many. I can't imagine going on a great vacation with my wife and one of us or both not coming back home for an incompetent dive OP or fill station that only cares about there bottom line. I'll take my own life in my hands for a minimal amount of $$$.