can someone name a computer for me with those features?

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hey there, i know this has been asked like trillion times, and i've been searching online for couple of days now. first thing i'd like to say, im living in kuwait, we may have 1 or 2 suunto authorized retailers or something.

im not sure of that yet. however, even though the D9 or D6 were recommended for me, from what i've read there are a lot of other models that can offer the same. i own a mares nemo sport watch. its a great one, it does nitrox/deep dive/air/free dive and all, but doesn't give me the bottom time , only the dive time, im kinda picky when it comes to that , so i've been saving for quite a while. my budget can be like 1000 bucks.

what im looking for ... hmm well, a computer that :
shows me a full detailed log of each dive .
nitrox / deepdives / air "i dont do free dives but most of the computers have this function"
i doubt i'll ever take a technical diving class, so probably the maximum pressure tolerance is about 50 meters?

big screen , user friendly menu , integrated Air ,pc hookup and stimulators maybe? , easy to change battery, i mean, why would i take it to a retailer to change its battery -.-

it doesn't have to look a cute as watch since i dont like wearing any >.> we got watches/clocks everywhere on our cellphones , work , walls, computers, to tell us how late we are lol.

thats about it. sadly, even though how many people have been recommending the suunto , im not convienced yet to buy one "sorry suunto fans" ..

anyways, i'd appreciate it if you guys are kind enough to tell me the names of those computers. even if it doesn't have the whole features "since i dont know the capabilities of the computers" .. and dont worry even if they're suunto =) please tell me the model number and i'll do more re-search on it.

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To me, a GREAT computer to get, for what you are looking for, is an Oceanic model with dual algorithm. Some might flame me for that but here is my thinking.

Since ALOT of the guys you say there recommend the Suunto, some are probably diving the Suunto. Since you don't like the Suunto, you will still need something similar along the lines of algorithms if your going to dive with them, otherwise your times will be off and it won't be much fun for you guys. The adjustable algorithm let's you almost match Suunto's, if your diving with THEM, and you can use the more liberal DSAT when you are not with them.

I like AI, with backup SPG (just personal preference), and some of the software features available on some of the Oceanic models.

All that being said, I am not a 1 horse kind of gambler. There are SEVERAL that will meet your needs.

The Mares Icon is a nice bet.
The Oceanic VT3 is a GREAT computer and really a good price now.
The Oceanic VT4 is the VT3 with dual algorithm and a compass, but ALOT more $$.
The Luna and Sol are really nice as well (bit more pricey but worth it)

Start with those and figure out what you NEED in a computer then narrow the search.

I would dive ANY of them. I am NOONE's rep so I recommend to look at them ALL and do some research.

I'm sure there are some GREAT ones I have missed. These ALL are around $1000 or less.

And FYI, you do NOT need a $1000 computer. Get the computer that does ALL the things you NEED it to do and that costs the LEAST amount of money.

Also check out for research needs.
(sorry, not a shameless plug for them either lol, just a good computer research site)

Hope this starts you off.

lol, usvet, i really loved your post, thats what i meant, i dont have to pay 1000 for it to be cool, just something that can do what i need them to do, i dont understand the use of dual algorithm though , i've been diving for like 4 years now with different buddies and never read about that feature, i'll google about it later on since its 8 am and i've been searching and googling like a nutt case. i'll definitely look into the ones you recommended.

thanks a lot of the help =) i appreciate it. i'll take a look at them now before i go to sleep
The Mares Icon uses the same hacked RGBM algorithm as the Suunto's.

Dual algorithms in recreational computers are nothing more than a marketing ploy.
The Mares Icon uses the same hacked RGBM algorithm as the Suunto's.

Dual algorithms in recreational computers are nothing more than a marketing ploy.

That comment is ridiculous. The dual algorithm is extremely beneficial and useful and you would know that if you had any idea what your talking about. If you knew a little more about dive algorithms and which model does what, and how they are arithmetically figured out and utilized for function, you would not make a satement like that. The differing algorithms allow different divers doing different things (ie. Rec v Tech) to better dial in environmental factors.

If you are diving a computer that is using a DSAT algorithm, you are going to get a much more liberal allowance on time.

If you are diving a computer that is using a modified Pelagic (Z)+, less time - conservative

Suunto & Mares (RGBM) BOTH use RGBM and Oceanic uses either DSAT or Both (you pick). Others models and brands use a combination of the two, or a completely different algorithm altogether. These algorithms are based on the Navy tables and modified / varied to match the style of diving the manufacturer is targeting.

By having the option of BOTh to choose from, you can adjust your computer to be as liberal or conservative as you want.

You only have the option to make the computer more conservative, not more liberal.

Which way is better - there is no answer to that. Personal preference. Will one make you a safer diver - absolutely NOT. It's whatever is BEST for you and your diving style.
Notice the difference in the numbers between the different algorithms and the manufacturers using those algorithms in their computers.

It is common in Rec diving to use a DSAT (again preference) because you get more bottom time when diving repetitive shallow type dives.

It is common in Tech (I believe, but I could be mistaken - I don't dive Tech) that a Pelagic Z+ or Buhlman (SP. ?) algorithm is preferred because it allows for deeper amd deco dives.

The MAIN thing for you to be aware of concerning the algorithms is again what type of diving you will be doing because it can play a huge part. If you are doing repetitive diving you will NOT want a Suunto or Mares because it will punish you on time for these types of Rec dives. There are countless threads here where guys on days 2 and 3 (doing 2/3 dives a day) on live a board vacations are having to sit in the boat because their computer will not let them dive (here that ALOT with Suunto computers).

Like I said, you can make a Suunto MORE liberal, but not so much that the profile and times will match a DSAT profile.

Is Suunto a bad computer for that? Not in ANY way. Suunto makes a GREAT computer and are world renown for their quality. There is NOTHING wrong with a Suunto dive computer. It is ALL preference and what works BEST for YOU and your needs.

Some divers like more liberal computers, some like more conservative computers, and some like the ability to adjust their computers as needed based on diving partners.

That's why they make all 3 versions - different strokes for different folks :)
I'm not sure if you are looking for a console or a wrist or either, but if you are considering consoles, your list seems like what we were aiming for with the the Atomic Cobalt: Cobalt Guide: Home , particularly the detailed logs, easy to use interface, and clear screen.

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