I have a stable full of both. Mk19/G260, Mk11/S600, Mk25/D420/620ti....Atomics M1/M1 and 2 Atomics ST1/Z2. I took the Mk19/G260 diving recently as it was my favorite. I got the first ST1 for my wife and rsingler tuned it. I tried my wife's ST1 after my Mk19/G260 and was hooked...I went out and got my own ST1. I think they are all pretty close and I agree that the ST1 "feels" smoother linear easy all you can ask for air delivery reminds me of my Audi...it just keeps delivering performance. The G260 and the D420 are like my Corvette....you romp on it and it moves...the others are a close second. Now having said all that I do have an Apeks XTX 200 that so far on the surface seems to be right between the ST1 and the G260...I think I am going to be pleasantly surprised by the performance of the XTX 200...which rsingler tuned before I even got it wet. If I had to pick one and only one regulator I would choose the ST1 ...for now...