Your best bet is to call Reef Photo and tell them your desires. They can suggest lens/port/wet-lens combos to meet your needs. Likely the best combo for your EM-1 is the 12-42mm EZ ED zoom, with a bayonet adapter on the port. You would carry a CMC for extreme macro, and a WWL-B for wide-angle. You can zoom through the WWL if you want. The WWL port chart is here, .So for instance the 12-40 lens on the camera body and the wet lens would be for macro?
Or would you run a macro on the camera and a the wet lens would be a fisheye?
I use almost this combo, but in an earlier incarnation...the WWL-1 and a CMC, on a OM-10. The wet wide angle does NOT cost $2200, I don't know where that number came from.