Calling out the Nitrox Posers!

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what... you think youre the only one thats allowed to mis-quote a movie?? :D

i once spent a very pleasant day watching Keanu filming Matrix.... they were filming in the carpark we owned

BTW - a hell of alot of the Matrix film crew learnt to dive in sydney (hubby taught a fair few of them) and most of them learnt nitrox (to get back on topic in a way)

Hot guys and Nitrox stickers...divemaster_Jim must be leading the pack, lol.

j/k hugs.
Crazy Fingers:
I, personally, would have a dedicated air tank to save money on cleaning... but I do a lot of shallow shore dives too. .

Save money on cleaning tanks by buying extra tanks? Penny wise and pound foolish. As long as you only put modified grade E air into the tank, it stays O2 clean. That's the exact same air you put into it when making a PP nitrox fill anyway.

Crazy Fingers:
But to the rest of you who are worried about getting DCS at 15' just because you are old or overweight... seriously, come on.

I agree with you here.
All my tanks are O2 cleaned except one. My pool tank, only Alluminum, isn't cleaned. First shop I taught for didn't carry Nitrox so I always dove air in the tanks unless I was going somewhere it would benefit. Shop I teach for now has a membrain system and my breathing gas is covered. Besides I teach the class so the shop owner wants his customers to see me diving said gas.
Why wouldn't you if you could afford it, reducing any additional risk on any given dive is certainly something that most everyone on this board subscribes to, and I'd suspect you as well.

I'm talking to anyone who is seriously worried about DCS at depths above 25'.

I myself at one point used to think diving nitrox on dives where the percieved benefit of nitrox was next to nill, until I realized that nitrox wasn't all about longer NDL's and shorter SI's. There is no magic number number for depth, age or adipose tissue that will determine your susceptibility to DCS, in fact I personally know of one individual, 25 years of age, excellent physical condition, near zero body fat, with above average diving skills that took a hit on a dive where the average depth was 21 feet with 28 minutes of bottom time. I would consider understanding at what depth the greatest risk of experiencing DCS, and how much we really dont understand about the onset of DCS before calling anyone a poser.

<added for completeness of fact>
The individual was diving air, never again will they dive straight air.
sometimes it probably isnt the worry about dcs, the want to go deeper longer or the desire to shorten the SI that people dive the green sticker.

there are quite a number of people who dive nitrox simply because it doesnt make them feel as tired after the dive. you know how some infrequent divers just like to take a nap after drying off from the dive? if i had to spend over an hour just driving home, i really wouldnt mind going green even if it costs just a bit more. i mean youve already spent so much on the dive gear and the car, so why not :D
This is what I have on all my tanks now...

Any questions???
Rick :D
Rick Murchison:
This is what I have on all my tanks now...

Any questions???
Rick :D

Do you find you get more bottom time?
Crazy Fingers:
Okay, I can't stand it any longer. For the record, I am nitrox certified. This means I know what nitrox is , when it can be useful, and when it can be dangerous. But it seems every time I am at some popular, shallow shore dive there is some buffoon there breathing nitrox.
. . .

I think they look like idiots and are just trying to show off to non-nitrox divers and chicks on the beach.

Am I way off base here?


You have no idea what's in the tank. All my tanks say "Nitrox" and "O2 Clean" because they may at some point be filled with something ther than 21%. It doesn't mean that at any given time they contain anything but air, only that they might.

All of mine say This is not your tank... Do not use even if some idiot tells you to. with the appropriate warning about mix and depth and blah blah. I personally hate the big NITROX stickers ... even worse if they say "PADI" on them :wink:


Most of the time they still have Air in them. Now and then 'trox. I don't think it gets the chicks, even when pairing it with the black drysuit ... I must be doing something wrong :D

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