Calling out the Nitrox Posers!

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any chicks out there fancy a guy with a nice shiny DSLR housing?!!?!?
oh, and i have an HD video camera and housing too!!!


Rick Murchison:
"Scuba Air" may or may not be oxygen compatible, depending on the fill station. So Mattroz is correct. Maybe. It depends.
Rick :)

Thanks for clearing that right up for everyone Rick :wink:
As I teach Nitrox and Adv-Nitrox courses most of my tanks are O2 clean, so they would have a Nitrox sticker on them. However I wouldn't usually dive Nitrox, it has its applications, like other gasses, but usually plain air is fine (and a lot cheaper!).
Mike Veitch:
any chicks out there fancy a guy with a nice shiny DSLR housing?!!?!?
oh, and i have an HD video camera and housing too!!!



I didn't know you were a bueller type of guy Mike :D
I figured the way I worded it would get you all fired up. But in all seriousness, I hadn't really considered that they were diving air in a O2 clean tank. This seems acceptable... I, personally, would have a dedicated air tank to save money on cleaning... but I do a lot of shallow shore dives too. .

But to the rest of you who are worried about getting DCS at 15' just because you are old or overweight... seriously, come on. The paranoia of the diving community never ceases to amaze me.

Now here is a poser.

I call troll.

...Or is that Shenanagans?
Thanks for clearing that right up for everyone Rick :wink:
My pleasure... :)
you can eventually get bent in shallow water too...
I have heard of people getting bent after working in pressurized SONAR spheres (about eighteen FSW) for many hours. This looks like pretty much the same thing.

I did some fiddling with the simulator for my Oceanic dive computer and it seems to indicate that anything deeper than twelve FSW on air can eventually lead to DCS.
Crazy Fingers:
Okay, I can't stand it any longer. For the record, I am nitrox certified. This means I know what nitrox is , when it can be useful, and when it can be dangerous. But it seems every time I am at some popular, shallow shore dive there is some buffoon there breathing nitrox.

I am not talking about an application where it might be useful. I am talking about 15' shore dives, 25' deep spring dives, or even instructors training people in swimming pools!! What is the point of this? In these instances you are not NDL limited, (and won't be on subsequent dives either) so there is really no reason to be breathing it. It just wastes money.

I think they look like idiots and are just trying to show off to non-nitrox divers and chicks on the beach.

Am I way off base here?

I didn't read the whole thread... But YES - you're way off base. I dive nitrox at 15' why?

Because I can get nitrox fills for the same price as air fills... so why not?

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