I'm not sure what you are driving at. If all the reefs were all dead and wreck diving were all there was, that would be different and I do not know if i would continue diving. Fortunately (and for the time being), such is not the case in the waters around Cozumel.
If all the reefs were dead and devoid of life I certainly wouldn't be diving anymore. What's the point at that point? If that day comes I can save a lot of money walking around my local junk yard looking at old man made things rusting away. I dove Key Largo several years ago and witnessed a pretty much dead reef. I certainly won't be diving there again. They can sink all the ships they want on that dead reef in the future but it won't attract me.
I dove Cozumel right after Wilma and I enjoyed it thoroughly. What's your point?
The only point I’m trying to make is, why post negativity? You both enjoy reef diving. Reef diving is a small part of scuba diving. There is a lot more to scuba diving than just diving on reefs. To me when you post negative, you are bashing scuba diving. This is a scuba diving forum! I could understand the negative posts if it was a anti scuba diving forum. I also think that it is a lot easier to think about this if you take money out of it. Money screws up everything.
I can’t say that I enjoy scuba diving more than you two. But I can say that I enjoy all aspects of scuba diving. Please quit bashing it.