Yes it is a rhetorical question. I dive a lot in the St. Lawrence Seaway. Not much life on those rock walls yet I enjoy those dives just as much as I enjoy diving in Cozumel. I just enjoy scuba diving.I think it is a rhetorical question for ggun but I wish to answer. I enjoy wreck, reef and cenote/cave but in no way would I “have fantastic dives on the dead reef.” For one thing, my eyes would be too full of tears.
I have to ask, do you really dive “dead reefs” and enjoy it?
Let me ask in a different way. Do you think that people that enjoy all types of diving enjoy diving more than people that only want to dive on reefs?
I suppose a lot of people had a hard time diving after Wilma. I also suppose that there were people that didn’t have any problem at all diving after Wilma.
Anyone can answer the question. I’m just thinking out loud.