Buying Tanks

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Imagine a world where everything is ought online would'nt that e just great! We all could save tons of money on our sport of scuba. No longer would we be held hostage by our d**n local dive shops all of us would be free to sit and look at our beautiful equipment that would never wear out or ever need service because all those dive shops would be closed and after our first dive we would never be able to get an air refill or even spend a relaxing afternoon just hanging out with the people who love this sport so much that they actually try to make a living from it. Not only that but most of us would never be able to afford to dive even the first time why you ask well not everyone can have a job working on the internet some one has to make the stuff we buy and ship it but I guess in the dream world that some poeple live in its ok to trash the local shops and buy cheap online then turn around and demand that those good for nothing dive shop owners crooks that they are service our equipment fill our tanks and they had better be d**n quick and happy to do it.


I just love coming here and listening to the LDS rubbish. It's such a pleasure to have it shoved down our throats every single day.

When I find a LDS that isn't out to make >$500 on every single piece of gear (in profit, not price), maybe I'll start buying from a LDS. I've saved enough by NOT buying from a LDS to buy a bloody compressor - **** the profiteering LDS, I'll fill my own tank.

Heck, I had a nice chap at the LDS a few days ago try to explain to me how the Suunto Cobra (air integrated) was measuring the actual nitrogen and oxygen content from the tank and accurately representing actual nitrogen load. Yep. Apparantly Suunto integrated an O2 analyzer into the Cobra and forget to mention it to anyone else. Lovely. Not to mention they wanted $900 for it with a download cable.
When did the LDS folks become gods? Last I checked we all travel all over the globe to buy a car off ebay (shouldn't you suport your local dealer?), or where do you get all your electronics? We don't hear people scream about "Support Staples" or that rubbish. And what about folks like myself who live 3hrs from a LDS? Need a hydro? Take it to the DOT. Need a fill? Go to a local fire services seller (ever tried taking it to the folks that service fire dept tanks?). Or invest in a cascade system.

But give me a break. If a LDS refuses to fill my new tank I just leave. That is a bunch of garbage, and any customer service like that should be rewarded with zilch in sales.

Have you looked lately at the markup on the gear at a LDS. Found a great file the other day. It was the the dealer cost for an item verses the MSR price. I shed no tears for those folks.

So I am going to go and run my local grocery out of business and plan a garden, ruin my car dealer by buying 3 states away, and yes I will buy tanks from Texas even if it is only $30 cheaper because capitalism works!
I totally agree. If local dive shops didn't try to make a killing people would use them. I have a diveshop in the same town I lie and I tried to do business with him and he was outrageously expensive, Didn't want to be helpful, And definately didn't want to talk about diving. So I started going to the dive shop across the mountain. It was the best decision I have ever made. The LDS I deal with now has good prices. I mean I may be able to buy stuff a few dollars cheaper online but the company online has never let me use a tank for free, Let me sit in on my fiancee's class or go diving in the pool with a class just so his student(my fiancee) wouldn't be as scared. So me personally I will support my LDS no matter what.
Imagine a world where everything is ought online would'nt that e just great! We all could save tons of money on our sport of scuba. No longer would we be held hostage by our d**n local dive shops all of us would be free to sit and look at our beautiful equipment that would never wear out or ever need service because all those dive shops would be closed and after our first dive we would never be able to get an air refill or even spend a relaxing afternoon just hanging out with the people who love this sport so much that they actually try to make a living from it. Not only that but most of us would never be able to afford to dive even the first time why you ask well not everyone can have a job working on the internet some one has to make the stuff we buy and ship it but I guess in the dream world that some poeple live in its ok to trash the local shops and buy cheap online then turn around and demand that those good for nothing dive shop owners crooks that they are service our equipment fill our tanks and they had better be d**n quick and happy to do it.


SOS, different day.

1) Buyers have become more educated in what things cost to produce. We are now appalled at 100% (or more) markup on merchandise. When the LDS has the guts to tell the manufacturers "Quit telling me how much I can discount your gear. I'm a businessman. I know the price I need to sell in this market." Instead, they bend over and try to work a business model that is broken. I'm heartened that my LDS is now offering Oceanic in addition to Scubapro (Two totally different manufacturer's marketing policies in play). Guess which brand I'll gravitate toward?

2) LDS's should be making more more on classes, and a reasonable profit on merchandise. $50 to service my reg? No problem. I expect it takes at least an hour to do it properly. $50/hr x 40hrs wk x 52 weeks a year = $104000. Not bad for one segment of your business (And don't tell me they don't do this 40 hrs/wk. I am sure not every regulator takes an hour to disassemble, inspect, and re-assemble. Currently, my dive shop has a 3 week lead time on service). $10 for an air fill? Much cheaper than maintaining my own compressor. I haven't (yet) started shopping the other sources of air, though (commercial vendors, Fire Depts, hydro facilities) all of which are likely more convenient than my 12pm to 4pm dive shop's hours.

3) Most of the online dive stores (at least the ones I deal with, and even LeisurePro) have brick and mortar stores as well. They are someone's LDS. They have just seen a business opportunity to expand their market. That is their right. That puts them out of your "online is evil" mentality.

4) I expect that most LDS's open because the owner enjoys the hobby. The owner and his staff receive intangible and tangible benefits from owning a dive shop. If they want to be businessmen, then those intangible benefits may be compromised by the need to develop, market, and oversee the shop. I'm sure when a trip is conducted the group leader gets lots of perks for bringing 8 or 10 or 20 divers to a resort/liveaboard/dive boat.

5) I don't dive near my house. The nearest dive site is over 100 miles away. I find the owner of the Dive Store where I have dive the most to be much more personable, reasonable, and convenient than my LDS. Can I call him my LDS, even though he's 250 miles away? I've spent more there than I have at the one 14 miles away. Or should I just write a check at the beginning of each year to "subsidize" the closer shop's ability to stay in business.

6) Gross generalizations of "All LDS's are excellent" and "All Online Shops are Evil" are just ill-informed, inflammatory, and wrong.

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