That's one down....I think I'll be going with the new guy.

Seriously though, the other 2 big companies that you mentioned were the only other manufacturers that I was even contemplating when I discovered HOG... It's only after everything that I read here and elsewhere via numerous detailed {GOOGLE} searches that I was able to make any type of a non-regretable decision to buy them.
I would be lieing if I didn't honestly tell you that I was still somewhat leery and concerned between the time I hit the [SUBMIT ORDER] button on Divers Supply website until the UPS man showed up at my door. Hell, I was "almost" afraid to open the box, because nothing this good can really be this cheap right..? WRONG!
The most amazing thing about my choosing to order the HOGs rather than a set of Apeks XTX-50's from that the ScubStore in Spain as initially suggested by SeaJay, is that Chris ("cerich" here on SB) actually found a thread where I had been discussing these on a Reefkeeping website. This is the link that SeaJay posted on the 1st page in this thread. Ironically, I had actually been given incorrect info about the HOG 1st stage by a dealer that shall remain nameless, yet SeaJay and I were pretty sure based upon different photos that I had dug up on the web, that this dealer was actually wrong. One night when Chris did a {GOOGLE} search of his own HOG products, he saw the link to a thread where we were discussing these, and he, THE OWNER OF THE COMPANY, took the time to register an account just to be able to properly answer our questions. That's some serious pre-customer service baby!
Since the above transpired, I've purchased (2) D1-Cold First Stages, (2) Second Stages, and hopefully today the UPS guy will show up with my 300bar Manifold, Stainless Blackplate and #38 Doubles Wing. As soon as I can, I'll be adding another D1-Cold 1st and 2 more Second Stages.
Now I just needs me some sauce to go with all this HOG... Yea, it's that good!

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