Deep South Divers
Hmmmmm... Smokin' idea! 
Diving the 'Ross is definitely a "game day" dive - so I'm not sure that 20 miles offshore would be a good demo... But it certainly would be uber-cool. I dunno - I'll have to think about the logistics of that and kick it around...
What we really need for a demo day would be perfect conditions and the ability to get everyone in and out of the water easily... Sounds more like a spring dive to me.
The 'Ross - too exclusive for a demo day. Maybe just you, Chris and me... I'll also bring Kym and a buddy with a 47' boat so we're all super-comfortable.

Diving the 'Ross is definitely a "game day" dive - so I'm not sure that 20 miles offshore would be a good demo... But it certainly would be uber-cool. I dunno - I'll have to think about the logistics of that and kick it around...
What we really need for a demo day would be perfect conditions and the ability to get everyone in and out of the water easily... Sounds more like a spring dive to me.

The 'Ross - too exclusive for a demo day. Maybe just you, Chris and me... I'll also bring Kym and a buddy with a 47' boat so we're all super-comfortable.