"All online companies that sell and make direct purchases of our product, like Leisure Pro are not an authorized SCUBAPRO UWATEC dealer and SCUBAPRO UWATEC equipment obtained through channels other than SCUBAPRO UWATEC Authorized Dealers does not carry the SCUBAPRO UWATEC Limited Lifetime/Limited Warranty. If you so choose to purchase SCUBAPRO UWATEC products online, the warranty will be voided."
Yep, they can say that all they want, but what they're saying is illegal in the U.S. and no court of law will uphold that claim. The truth is, if they fail to honor a warranty because of the distribution channel it was purchased through (or any other reason), they can be found liable in a court of law for all kinds of damages, not to mention a new set of regs and attorney's fees.
Frankly, if that were to happen right about now (ScubaPro is seriously struggling financially), it could well put the company out of business. Don't think that Johnson Outdoors (the parent company) wouldn't cut them off in a heartbeat if they considered that branch of business gangrenous.
In the case of Leisurepro, it doesn't matter anyway... When I purchased a set of ScubaPro regs from them and had a problem with them A YEAR LATER (after having a local "factory authorized dealer" work on them and screwing them up royally), I received a full refund for the regulators. A YEAR LATER.
I promptly used the refund to purchase a set of ATX200/ATX200/ATX50 regs - which I usually work on myself. They're still in service and have dived thousands of dives flawlessly.
My point is that, even Leisurepro realizes that there's a problem with the Internet-phobic philosophy, and will honor an in-house warranty that surely beats anything that the manufacturer offers (or supposedly doesn't offer). Full replacement after a year of use? The best warranty I've ever seen!
Like Tim says, the solution is VERY simple. Purchase regulators from manufacturers that don't play head games. Edge/HOG is the first I've seen that truly offers the consumer a straight deal - complete with classes to teach you how to keep your life support at 100%... And the parts kits to make it happen. It's like a dream for those of us who have struggled for years wth corporations that feel that they are above the law and can control the marketplace.
Besides - let me be frank here - if you've ever opened up a ScubaPro reg and compared it side-by-side with a HOG reg, you'll see that there's a lot of plastic (they call it "composite" to make is sound advanced) where the HOG uses high-quality stainless steel. There's no question in my mind which I'd choose as life support.
Interestingly, had ScubaPro used metal innards instead of plastic in the original regs I purchased years ago, the "factory authorized" LDS probably wouldn't have screwed them up... And I'd have never exchanged them at Leisurepro for a set of Apeks and known any differently.
It is said that you reap what you sow. If ScubaPro's been lying to consumers and using sub-par parts in their life support systems for years, and then following it up with a refusal to follow the paradigm shift... That is, if they sow garbage... Guess what they're going to reap?
I see HOG as ScubaPro's Grim Reaper. AquaLung's not far behind - they've watched for years while ScubaPro has led the bullpoop game and followed suit every time they saw ScubaPro get away with it. The two marketing giants are two peas in a pod. I love Apeks regs, but it's like marrying Vinnie's sister - you're gonna have to deal with a really bad family to get what you want. Between the two of them, the scuba industry has been shadowed with "rules" and shady ideals that have put many Mom and Pop LDSs right into the drink. The LDSs didn't all get together and make up this idea of, "It's not under warranty..." They're just reiterating to the consumer what they've been told.
What a mess. History repeats itself... The oil barons, the phone company, Minolta, and this. Every time, the result is the same. You'd think that these people would learn and just play by the rules.
I, for one, will be applauding Edge/HOG on. Go, go, go!
Now make me a sealed diaphragm, coldwater-capable, nonturreted, solid first stage with pretty routing and a chrome finish, please - that can be used for singles or doubles. If you want, I'll even design it for you.