Bulla's Expecting again. 3rd trimester..end...

When will we meet Drake?

  • 3/29

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    Votes: 4 6.1%
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    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • 4/1

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • 4/2

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • 4/3

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • 4/4

    Votes: 5 7.6%
  • Between the 5th but not later than the 10th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • between the 10th but not later than the 17th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • She's goin all the way to the 18th...

    Votes: 10 15.2%

  • Total voters

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i wish i could find an anti-me, so he can blow cold air next to Kris

(because, you see ... i would blow....oh never mind)
Some of my wings Sunday will do the trick better than Castor oil. Drake thought it was hot this afternoon :)

That is a great idea! That is what you should try Kris - while we are grasping at straws - I've heard that does wonders, seriously.

They make portable AC's??????? Like something I could put in my room since I like to sleep like a polar bear but I freeze others out????
Becky, Colin told me about your offer, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for being willing to just jump in like that and help us handle this.

Luckily, DiverSolo is coming out in the morning. I will have a full pot of coffee ready to go. Any other requests?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


:preggers: Kris

Coffee would be great! I can't even imagine being so pregnant in this heat...just glad I can help out.
Well... everything is well here... Kris's is definitely done though. She's called her midwife (and OB hubby) and had a heck of a chat... some crying, some options discussion.... she's actually talking inducing at the hospital (I know, shock to some of yawl who know her at the tree hugger green all natural granola mama) as that is the option come this Tuesday anyway. SooooooooooooooooOooooo.... since she wants to go to the Keys THAT bad she's willing to go as early as tonight, tomorrow.. reality it will probably be Saturday (after Xav's T-ball game and pictures :wink:)

Sooooo.... yeah, she's a glistening sweaty preg chick with a fan and a coooool breeze tonight. In fact, I've set her up with music (moby), she lit some incense and drew a very warm bath to hang out in... Ian is in there now talking with her and holding her hand (he's a cutie at 2). Xav gave big hugs and said "It'll be OK.. I love you!" - soooo she's feeling the love from us all. I'm confident she'll make the decision thats best for her. Or who knows what Drakers will do?! :D
Just know that you all have our love, support and well wishes whichever route she decides to take.
Hotter than 3Mile at Hooters? I tackled 30 of those bad chicks today. If think they are, send me a few.

I make a variant called "Monkey Dust". I've never had 3mile at Hooters, but their hot is sadly lacking. Next time I'll give it a try. The ones I make follow the basic Hooters recipe, but adds a dry pepper rub (basically) over the top of that.
Hmm, send me a batch! :wink: I love my chicken wings like I like my women (ok, wife)... HOT HOT HOT!!


:( Okay, I've thrown in the towel. I just honestly can't take it any more. I called my midwife sobbing and discussed my options with castor oil, breaking my water, the breast pump, hospital induction, etc... We're going in to Cape Coral Hospital Friday night at 8:00 pm.

Part of me feels absolute shame for doing something so medical and UNnatural, but another part of me realizes I have nothing to prove to anybody and that I have to do what's right for me. I have never been such a basket case like I've been the last few weeks, and I'm sure that's been part of my problem. Just knowing that it's almost over is such a relief.

I guess this is so anticlimactic for all of you now that there's actually a plan in place. So sorry to ruin the fun! Luckily my midwife's husband will be our OB, and he's an absolutely fabulous man and an amazing physician, so we will be in great hands. The kids can be there the whole time, and I can labor in a birth tub for as long as I want. Technically I can't have the baby in the tub, but if I can figure out a way to push without anyone noticing, I might be able to have an "oops, look at that!" water birth. At this point, I don't even care. I just want him in my arms and out of my belly.

Another cool thing is the fact that we may be able to go home as early as 12 hours after Drake's birth as long as we're both stable and we can work out agreeable arrangements with the pediatrician.

And once again, I just HAVE to say thank you to all of you for keeping me going, wishing me well, and making me laugh. It's just such an amazing feeling knowing that there are people all over the country, heck... all over the world, sourcing positive birthing vibes and love and support for us. Wow! I can't thank you all enough! Drake is a lucky baby to have such an amazing extended family out there.

Once this thread comes to a happy ending, I'm going to print the whole thing and save it in his baby book. Some day he'll be really amazed!

:preggers: Kris
Hi Bulla's! Hang in there (except for you, Drake)! Best wishes!

{Edit} KBulla had faster fingers! No shame what so ever, and definately not ruining the fun! Good luck tomorrow.
Kris.. we love you, and I think I can speak for most of us when I say that were amazed you have held out this long! Most of us would have throw in the towel ages ago!! Good luck with everything.. and (((((BIG HUGS))))) to all of you!! I know Im a ways away, but let me know if you need anything.. k??

The only thing we expect is pictures by lets say.... Tuesday? Fair enough??

Good luck you guys!! Im SOOO excited for you all!!! :D :D :D

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