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Me too on this one...

Don't have this one, so I would try the delete the Scubaboard cookie suggestion.

I do find the board down for brief times now and again. (Not complaining just an observation.) Assume that it is still a work in progress to try and get everything up and running so not to worry. WAY better than the old server.

Normally I have the opposite effect on computer systems, as I come near the problem the user has had all week simply goes away, to magicaly reappear an hour later when I am nowhere near it to figure out what's wrong.
Nevermind... apparently I didn't read down far enough in the Troubleshooting threads. I see one on this already. Sorry for the repeat!
Hi, not sure if this thread is still open, but I can't open "Dive Profile" at all (browser just sits at "Done" with white space), and if I try to link to anything from inside a PM, I get a browser timeout.
Yep, still open. They're trying to get Photo Gallery going first, I think - exected Monday. After that, the other disabled functions like dive profile.

Attachments are not available, and time outs happen in general.

I am not aware of any problems with links, tho?
When I search on "new posts", I only get 4 pages. I know there is more than that. The max limit used to be 20 pages. Has that changed?
It is a temporary setting.
El Orans:
It is a temporary setting.

How temporary? It takes a lot of time to manually search the entire forum for unread posts when the search function is very fast.
Have been trying since yesterday to send a PM, I just get an error message. Please excuse me if this has already been reported.
Really..?! :11: Had no problems today anyway...

Until I tried to send you one? :light:

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