Twilight Zone because of the alien physiology and physics involved? Or do people just need remedial courses in physics and physiology?
Buoyancy is a physical construct. It takes a certain amount of weight to displace a diver's buoyancy. Archimedes figured that out way before SCUBA was invented. So if you agree with Archimedes, you must think that some human beings are filled with air instead of the same muscle, fat, organ, and bone tissues that other humans are made of. Otherwise, bone is bone. Muscle is muscle. Organs are organs. And fat is fat. Take an individual's BMI and body weight, factor in buoyancy characteristics of the thermal protection, and you can compute how much weight it will take to sink that person. If that person fails to sink, then you can start playing your Twilight Zone theme.
(BTW, I always suspected J was an alien because she thinks she needs more weight than she should in order to complete her dives. When she got bitten by a moray and bled green blood, I found the truth! Please keep this on Scubaboard, though, as I don't want the Men in Black to find out we know.)