Buddies and Photography

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You're a swell guy Puff...
This may add a whole new dimension to my diving :D.

I have seen and/or been a party to 20 or 30 more interesting events like that. Lift bag on the yoke of doubles is also fun.
Can I dive solo....with DIR backup buddy team? that might work well for me... Did OEX2 pack up and run home? I had one more point to make. It would be better if I quoted him...but it's too far back.

That "PITA" Aquatica housing, collecting dust, locked in the closet? the one that is too much trouble to dive with unless somebody is paying you? Well, some us are diving with set-ups that big now, on our ninja dives so that is an important difference. yes, I am sure it is easier to keep track of your DIR cronies with a point and shoot. And people who say "oh, I ALWAYS have my camera handed off to me..." well that's nice but some of us don't have that luxury. Sometimes when I dive there is nobody on the boat because they have long gone left my butt because they don't use much gear. So, I have to compromise a wee bit and do a gentle "wrap and plop" entry. It's all about hanging loose out here closer to the equator. I am just thrilled if the boat is still there when I get back.

Puff, my support team is long gone and over me.
Can I dive solo....with DIR backup buddy team? that might work well for me...

Sort of like the cell phone commercial - catherine and her support team.
Diver Dennis:
I agree Yoda, that might be fun...:D

Jelly Fish on the back of the neck is also a fun one.
After hearing all this, I KNOW solo is best. I don't want to have to watch out for my buddy's attack, just watching out after his welfare was bad enough.
Opinion of a relative newby: There are a few pros talking among themselves here. You are outstanding well trained divers and would be great buddies - probably would even provide album quality pictures of the dive team and all they saw. Back to the original topic ( divers with cameras don't make good buddies). For the occational diver - cruise ship once a year, every other year with the relatives or office staff, uses rented gear,....- if a person gets buddied up with a camera toting dude on a cruise ship or resort dive, I would take that as a sign to become a helpful solo diver. Not to plan on that individual being "DIR" aware.

You will certainly go into the situation knowing the issues after reading this thread. Then you must decide your comfort level. If he looks like a disaster then lay down some ground rules for your partnership. If he does not follow then, and you feel endangered, leave him basically. Lets say he is lagging dangerously behind on a site you don't know too well and compromising the dive "plan". You can signal that you are leaving him or you can stay with him, your option.

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