Buddies and Photography

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Don't worry UP, they are sneaky buggers...:D
He is not Yoda - I am! I do dive with the force and I'm connected to all things even transcending the conditions around me. I know when all of you younglings are in trouble no matter where you are. Yoda says "DIR is the dark side - go down that path and forever will it dominate your destiny". :D

:D :D :D :D :D
Uncle Pug:
We are totally aware of our surroundings at all times... the fabric of existence. The sligthest tremble in the web alerts us to changes that could signal danger, even Orca sneaking up from behind... most of the time. :rolleyes:

When doing practice dives in the military, it was common practice to mess with the other divers (good practice drills, makes you ready for anything). I hated having my mask taken, so that was what I had done to me all the time. Others were not so lucky. The best one I have ever seen, was to take a large crab, sneak up behind the diver, and let the crab grab him on the back of the arm. Then, while he goes for the crab, turn off his air and drop his weight belt. Handle that well and you are really prepared.

Note: never saw anyone, including instructors that one could not "get", so much for awareness.

Camera guys are just a bit easier to do that to, but not by much.
Diver Dennis:
Thanks for the posts Puff and Mike. Both of you have eloquently described the way I feel about my own diving.

We are right there for you buddy, You might want to avoid the PI picture thread for a while

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