PORTLAND -- A vote to schedule a town meeting on the quarry lease proposal has been deferred.
The Board of Selectman agreed Wednesday to defer action on scheduling the town meeting until town officials have completed a review of the proposed lease agreement.
Three brothers propose leasing the town brownstone quarries from the town for up to 25 years and creating an underwater dive park and water recreation facility in the North Quarry.
There is a no similar dive park in the Northeast, according to the brothers, Edward, Frank and Sean Hayes. They say having one in Portland would be a natural lure to Scuba divers and to families from throughout New England and portions of new York.
Two different reports prepared for the town have encouraged Portland to use the quarries as the centerpiece to stimulate economic growth in town.
"We are making sure that all the work is completed before we bring (this matter) to the board of selectmen," First Selectwoman Susan S. Bransfield said.
Bransfield briefed her board colleagues on the status of the discussions Wednesday during the regularly scheduled meeting.
There was no opposition to the proposal from the selectmen; in fact, two of the selectmen -- Michael Coleman and Ronald W. Kutz -- publicly endorsed the plan.
However, there are still some issues to be further defined, and questions that various selectmen want answered before they send the issue on to residents for action.
"I gave them some information, and I got some feedback from them," she said.
-- In particular, Selectman Thomas W. Flood said he was anxious to knew more about where the parking would be for the water park.
Bransfield said the Hayes brothers have said they have made arrangements with private form for parking. Flood asked that it spelled out in the lease agreement in greater detail.
-- The brothers propose paying the town up to 15 percent of the gates receipts in exchange for the lease.
While he and Kutz approve of the proposal, Coleman asked for a more detailed description of "just what constitutes the gate fees."
Bransfield said her intention is "to make sure that we have the best agreement for the town, and one that will last 25 years."
"I am a very thorough person," she continued, "and I want to make sure that this agreement reflects that same degree of thoroughness. I want to make sure my is are dotted and my ts are crossed."
To contact Jeff Mill, call (860)347-3331 ext. 221 or email
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